Description of the attraction
The People's Museum of the History of the Moscow Metro is located in the southern lobby of the Sportivnaya metro station. His photographic exposition occupies the second floor, on the third floor there are exhibits and documents.
The museum was founded in 1967. The initiators of the creation of the museum were enthusiasts - labor veterans of the Moscow Metro. They collected future exhibits: samples of various equipment, documents and photographs. When creating the museum, materials were used that were stored in the Moscow Metro Administration and materials stored in the State Archive of Film Documents and Photo Documents, as well as samples of equipment and equipment that were decommissioned. The Russian State Library provided great assistance in the creation of the museum. Many objects and documents were donated to the museum by private individuals.
Everything in the Museum of the Moscow Metro is arranged in such a way as to fully reveal the theme of the history of the creation of the metro and the path of its development to our time. The exposition of the museum tells about those who were at the origins of the creation of this engineering and architectural miracle. About how the functioning of the metro was ensured, about the labor feat of its creators.
There are thematic expositions in the museum, for example, an exposition dedicated to the work of the subway during the war - "Transport and a bomb shelter." There are expositions: "The Metropolitan as an Architectural Monument" and "The Commonwealth of the Subways of Russia, the CIS countries and the countries of the world." The collection of travel documents is of great interest. It contains samples of travel documents and tokens for a long period of time. The existing models of different systems are interesting for acquaintance: an electric train cabin, a turnstile, traffic lights, various control panels, an escalator model.
It is impossible to imagine a capital without a metro. The metro has become a landmark in Moscow and the main mode of public transport.