Basilica di San Michele Maggiore description and photos - Italy: Pavia

Basilica di San Michele Maggiore description and photos - Italy: Pavia
Basilica di San Michele Maggiore description and photos - Italy: Pavia
Basilica of San Michele Maggiore
Basilica of San Michele Maggiore

Description of the attraction

The Basilica of San Michele Maggiore in Pavia is one of the most outstanding examples of the Lombard Romanesque style. The church dedicated to Archangel Michael was built in the 11-12th centuries.

The first temple in honor of the Archangel Michael was erected in Pavia on the site of the current Palace Chapel, but was destroyed in a fire in 1004. The construction of the modern building of the basilica began at the end of the 10th century (crypt, choir and transept) and was completed in 1155. And in 1489, the vaults of the central nave were replaced by Agostino da Candia. It was in this church that Louis III was crowned in 900 and the great Frederick Barbarossa in 1155, and other important historical events took place here.

San Michele Maggiore can be considered the prototype of many of Pavia's medieval churches, such as San Pietro in Chiel d'Oro and San Teodoro. However, it differs from the latter in that during its construction sandstone was used instead of brick, as well as in the form of a Latin cross with a central nave and two side chapels and a longer transept. The transept of San Michele Maggiore has its own façade, false apse and cylindrical vault and stands out from the overall structure of the church. Also noteworthy is its length - 38 out of 55 meters of the total length of the basilica.

At the intersection of the nave and transept, an octagonal asymmetrical dome rises, supported by the sails of the Lombard-Romanesque vault. The facade of the basilica is decorated with numerous sandstone sculptures, some of which, unfortunately, have now been destroyed. Here you can also see five double and one single vaulted window and a cross, which are a reconstruction of the 19th century. The bas-reliefs on the façade depict a human figure, animals and fantastic creatures. Above the small portal are portraits of Saint Ennodius, Bishop of Pavia, and Saint Eleucadius, Archbishop of Ravenna, and in the lunettes you can see images of angels. Inside, under an apse with a huge 16th century fresco, is the main altar with the relics of Saints Ennodius and Eleucadius. The presbytery has preserved ancient mosaics, while the crypt contains beautifully decorated capitals and the 15th century Martino Salimbene monument.

