Old Austrian bridge description and photo - Ukraine: Vorokhta

Old Austrian bridge description and photo - Ukraine: Vorokhta
Old Austrian bridge description and photo - Ukraine: Vorokhta
Old Austrian Bridge
Old Austrian Bridge

Description of the attraction

The Old Austrian Bridge is another attraction of the glorious city of Vorokhta. This is a truly fabulous town, in which the beautiful nature of the Carpathians, old buildings of Polish and Austrian feudal lords, traditional wooden houses of villagers and an amazing atmosphere of peace and imperturbable happiness that reigns here are harmoniously intertwined. Vorokhta was once part of Austria-Hungary, which left its mark on the architecture of the town. Until now, evidence of this dominance can be found here. So, already at the entrance to Vorokhta from Ivano-Frankivsk, there is the largest of the four bridges located in this town - the old Austrian bridge. This bridge connects the two sides of the Prut River at the widest point of its channel. It was built back in 1895 by captive Italians. The scale of construction is striking. So, due to the peculiarities of the landscape, the length of the bridge is 130 meters, while the widest span of the bridge is 65 meters. It is difficult to imagine how such a huge bridge was built two hundred years ago without special machinery and equipment.

In appearance, this bridge belongs to viaduct bridges, it looks truly fabulous and still amazes with its beauty. The arched bridge made of stone, until 2000, was part of the railway connection between Ivano-Frankivsk and Rakhiv. Today, the Old Austrian Bridge is an architectural monument that is protected by law. After all, it is one of the five stone aqueduct bridges that have survived in Western Ukraine, and at the same time the oldest and longest. A new railway bridge was built next to it, which took over the operation of trains.

