Description of the attraction
Sonargaon is the old capital of the ancient kingdom of Bengal, Isa Khan, even before the division of the state into the western part, which is under the protectorate of India, and the eastern part, which is, in fact, the state of Bangladesh.
Ancient Sonargaon has preserved many ancient buildings from that period. It is located next to Dhaka and is considered one of the first and oldest capitals of Bengal. One of its earliest names is "City of Panam", but the rulers of the Deva dynasty did not live in it until the thirteenth century. The population of that period - people of the middle and upper class, cloth merchants.
After the thirteenth century, Sonargaon again became the second capital of the Sultanate of Bengal and held this position until the arrival of the Great Mughals, after which the city fell into decay.
Tourists are attracted to Sonargaon by the remains of palaces and the ruins of buildings and monuments that date back to the Bengal era. Of the most famous is the Goaldi Mosque, located in the present village of Goaldi, a fine example of the ancient architecture of Sonargaon. Another attraction visited by many is the Folklore Museum. It exhibits many different artifacts from all over Bangladesh, representing the different cultural groups of that country.
Abedin Jainal Museum is one of the significant historical and archaeological relics, here you will also find the practical untouched shrines of Shah Abdul Aliya and Panjpirs, the tomb of the Sultan Ghias ud-Din, the Mughal palace located in a beautiful natural park with many birds, trees and plants, a pond and a number of fortifications.
Old Sonargaon is a wonderful place for lovers of ancient history and architecture, because the modern city is only about 4,000 inhabitants, and it does not shine with luxury. Included in the World Monuments Fund and the list of sites under threat of destruction.