Description of the attraction
Regional Park "Roccamonfina - Foce Garigliano" - a specially protected natural area in the Italian region of Campania. The park was created in 1993 and protected about 9 thousand hectares. In the northwest, the natural boundary of the park is the Garigliano River, in the northeast - the Monte Cesima mountain range, and in the southeast - the Massicho ridge. The dominant element of the park is the 1006 m high Roccamonfina volcano, which is the oldest volcano in Campania and the fourth largest in Italy. It is somewhat similar to Vesuvius, but much larger than it. Its last eruption was recorded in 204 BC.
Within the park are the communes of Sessa Aurunca, Roccamonfina, Teano, Conca della Campagna, Galluccio, Marzano Appio and Tora e Picchilli. The forests of the park are mainly represented by chestnut trees. In addition, about 850 species of vascular plants have been recorded on the slopes of the volcano, and another 200 species grow on the coast. About 40 species of wild orchids deserve special attention.
The fauna of the park is no less rich and diverse, which is a consequence of the huge number of ecosystems found on its territory. The forests are inhabited by wild boars, porcupines, foxes, martens, weasels and hedgehogs. The bird kingdom is represented by great variegated and green woodpeckers, jays, magpies, titmice, black-headed warblers, buzzards, kestrels, owls, etc.
There are also man-made attractions in the park, for example, the Lattani temple, the Teano and Sessa Aurunca cathedrals, the Torre di Pandolfo Capodiferro tower, and the Marzano Appio castle. The historic center of Sessa and the medieval Teano quarter with the theater and archaeological museum are worth a visit, and the sacred forest of Ninfa Marika is worth a visit. It may also be interesting to see the Ciampate del Dvolo - the Devil's Footprints. This place is located not far from the volcano and the imprints of human feet, which have been remarkably preserved in stone. Legend has it that these are the prints of the devil himself, since he was the only creature that could walk on hot lava. In fact, these prints on volcanic ash about 350 thousand years ago were left by a bipedal hominid.