Description of the attraction
One of the most popular theaters in the city of Murmansk is the regional drama theater. The creation of the theater took place in 1939 on the basis of one of the branches of the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. The first director of the theater was S. A. Morshchhin, who was the artistic director, and A. V. Shubin, who was in the theater as the chief director. On February 1, 1939, the first solemn event in the life of the theater took place - its opening, which was marked by a performance called "Consul General" based on the idea of the Sheinin brothers. The repertoire of the first theatrical season included the following performances: "The Cliff" by I. Goncharov, "Vassa Zheleznova" by Gorky M., "The Forest" by Ostrovsky A., "Dog in the Manger" by Lope de Vega, "Tanya" by Arbuzov A., as well as many other famous works.
During the Great Patriotic War, the artistic director of the theater was T. G. Savina. During these years, a special brigade was organized from theatrical workers, which throughout the war performed with various concert programs in military headquarters and military units, as well as in hospitals and hospitals. Even in the most difficult time for the Soviet Union, the theater produces seventeen premieres, among which there is a play called "The guy of our city". It was at the premiere of this performance, which took place in the fall of 1941, that the author of the work, Konstantin Simonov, was present in the hall. As a gesture of gratitude, the writer decided to present the theater with a gift in the form of frontline poems, as well as a play called "Russian People". It was symbolic that it was on the Victory Day of the Soviet Union over the German troops in 1945 that the Murmansk Drama Theater played a performance based on the famous play by Simonov “So it will be”.
During the post-war years, the theater worked as directors such outstanding people as A. Dobrotin, A. Yurenin, P. Petrov-Bytov, S. Yashchikovsky, as well as famous actors: A. Rogachevsky, A. Dodonkin, V. Fillipov, E Fedorova., Ilkevich V., Khvatskaya Z., Shapovalova E. and many other talented people.
For a fairly long period of time, the theater was mobile, i.e. did not have its own building or premises, which is why all the performances presented by the theater were held in the Murmansk Palace of Culture of fishermen, which today bears the name of the Regional Palace of Culture named after S. M. Kirov.
By a lucky chance, the Murmansk Drama Theater nevertheless acquires its own building, located on Lenin Avenue - such a joyful event for the entire theater team took place in 1963. During the same year, V. V. Kiselev came to the theater to work, who became the main directors in the acting troupe, and was previously a student of the famous G. A. Tovstonogov, which marked a new stage in the development of the professional creative life of the entire team. It is worth noting the following productions by Vasily Kiselev: "There will be no Trojan war", "104 pages about love", "Bedbug", "Valentine and Valentine".
A special merit of the talented director was complete mutual understanding and establishing contacts with a group of playwrights from Leningrad: Kokovnikov, S., Galin A., Koasnogolov V. And others. A fruitful collaboration was the creative activity with V. Kelle-Pelle and Oleg Ovechkin.
In 1972, director Grigory Mikhailov began to work in the theater, whose name became recognizable not only in the drama theater, but also in the entire cultural life of the city. In the 80-90s of the 20th century, theatrical activity was associated with the names of F. Grigoryan, Y. Chernyshov, V. Pazi, and A. Pidust, who headed the theater during 1979-1992, became the famous director of the theater.
The theater's tours took place in Karelia, Crimea, Arkhangelsk region, as well as Norway, Sweden and Finland. In 2005 the theater took part in the big festival "This Victory Day …", presenting the production of I. Kuznetsov and A. Zak "Spring Day, April 30th …".
Today the Murmansk Drama Theater is engaged in staging Russian and foreign classics, as well as contemporary drama.