Russian Drama Theater description and photo - Ukraine: Mukachevo

Russian Drama Theater description and photo - Ukraine: Mukachevo
Russian Drama Theater description and photo - Ukraine: Mukachevo
Russian drama theater
Russian drama theater

Description of the attraction

The Mukachevo Russian Drama Theater is one of the well-known and especially popular city attractions among tourists and is one of the architectural highlights of the old part of the city. The theater building, built at the end of the 19th century, has the status of an architectural monument of local importance.

The idea of founding their own theater has been hovering among the residents of the city of Mukachevo for a long time. To solve this problem, in 84 of the 19th century, the Theater Construction Community was organized. It included 50 local activists who called on the townspeople to help build the theater. But the required amount was collected only 12 years later, and in the middle of 1896, the foundation of the building of the future theater was laid on the site of the shopping arcade and the salt administration. The construction lasted 3 years, and in 1899 on October 28 the drama theater solemnly opened its doors. The theater building has become an integral part of the beautiful architectural ensemble of the central city square of Peace. The building was built in the Austrian Art Nouveau style and became a magnificent embodiment of it.

The "highlight" of the building is the original solution located under an imposing balcony with a balustrade of the main entrance. The balcony itself rests on simple rectangular legs. The balcony is covered with a dome by a cone-shaped roof, on the front of which there is a magnificent stucco molding depicting theatrical symbols. This non-standard solution, reflecting the very essence of the Viennese Art Nouveau style, made the theater a true architectural gem of the city.

