Description of the attraction
The famous children's musical theater of the city of Cherepovets is also called the "Philharmonic Theater for Children". It is in this place that true masters of their craft work - professional musicians educated in music schools and conservatories. As for the history of children's musical theater, it should be noted that it is closely intertwined with the life and work of its director, director and music director - Alexei Nikolaevich Ustinov. The mother of the future director of the theater graduated from the Saratov University and the Saratov Conservatory in the field of solo singing, and his father was educated at the Moscow Conservatory and graduate school. Alexey Nikolaevich began his professional artistic career at the Saratov Philharmonic. A little later, when Alexei Nikolaevich received an offer regarding work in the city of Cherepovets, without hesitation, he immediately agreed. In the month of May, Ustinov had a unique chance to create his own theater.
The work began in a small hall, but after a while Ustinov was provided with a more spacious room in the school of arts and crafts. The main founders then were the largest industrial enterprises of Cherepovets. In 1993, the children's musical theater became completely municipal, and in 1995 it received its own building - the previously existing Raduga cinema. In just a couple of years, the old and unsuitable for work building has become a second home not only for employees, but also for loyal spectators of the theater. The first floor of the building was converted into a living corner and a shadow theater. Of particular interest among young theatergoers is the living corner, where one could see fish, chinchillas, rabbits, turtles and many other inhabitants.
After some time, namely in 2011, the building was taken away from the theater, and instead of it, the theater received a spacious room in the building of the “Builder” Palace of Culture named after D. N. Mamleev . Unfortunately, the living area has not survived, and only the crow Vasya and the rooster remained from it.
Children from 2, 5 to 10 years old became spectators of the musical theater. The largest number of children come with their mothers, grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers. But it is worth noting that the adults accompanying the children are also fans of theatrical creativity. The theater provides special programs for children from 2, 5 to 3 years old and from 4 to 7 years old; separate programs are being prepared for elementary school students. Absolutely every program of the main play show includes the so-called "Musical Lounge", which is a mini-concert about musical instruments, as well as about children's poetry. The program also includes the staging of a shadow puppet theater, for which a specially designated room has been equipped. The living corner of the children's musical theater is represented by roosters, goldfish, chinchillas, owls, guinea pigs and other interesting inhabitants.
If we take into account the creative composition of the theater, then the performances are accompanied by chamber ensembles of various composition, which use cello, violin, balalaika, piano, domra as instruments. It should be noted that all instrumentalists also perform as professional soloists in the so-called "Musical Lounge". Vocalists and artists in one person should be able to do many things: own stage speech, academic vocals, the ability to produce voice acting for various roles (bear, hare, wolf, mouse), drive puppets, be able to move and dance well, manage figures in the shadow theater, and also play all kinds of musical instruments.
Without exception, all artists have a basic musical education, for example, a choir conductor, pianist, vocalist, and they acquire a full range of knowledge and skills directly in the process of working in the theater. It is worth noting that such people are very few and difficult to find or replace. For these reasons, only those people for whom it has literally become a second home and destiny work in the children's musical theater.