Description of the attraction
The National Museum of the Komi Republic is one of the first cultural, educational and scientific institutions of the Komi region. The museum was founded in the fall of 1911. It owes its appearance to local lore enthusiasts, who in the late 19th - early 20th centuries made more than one attempt to open a museum in the city of Ust-Sysolsk (now Syktyvkar). In 1911, at the initiative of the local intelligentsia, represented by A. A. Zember, K. F. Zhakova, F. A. Starovsky, N. P. Cheusov and others, the Ust-Sysolsk branch of the Arkhangelsk Society for the Study of the Russian North was formed, which initiated the opening of an ethnographic and archaeological museum in the city.
Museum collections reflect the peculiarities of all the main stages of the formation and development of the Komi-Zyryan culture. The interest of scientists in the culture of the Zyryans, which arose in the 18th century, began with a study of the heritage of the “saint of the Permians” Stephen of Perm, who in 1380 erected the first Orthodox churches on the Permian land of Vychegda in Ust-Vym. In the 19th century, the culture and language of the Komi-Zyryans became the subject of study by a number of Russian and foreign scientists-researchers: G. S. Lytkina, P. I. Savvaitova, M. A. Castrena, J. Wichman and others. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the scientific works of V. V. Kandinsky, V. P. Nalimova, P. A. Sorokin.
An invaluable contribution to the formation of the ethnographic collections of the museum at different times was made by A. S. Sidorov, A. A. Tsember, G. A. Startsev, D. T. Yanovich, A. M. Rubtsov, G. A. Shipunova. The archaeological collections of the museum appeared thanks to G. M. Burov, A. S. Sidorov, E. A. Savelieva, V. I. Kanivets. The history of the region of the XVI-XIX centuries is represented by collections of numismatics, icons, old printed and manuscript books, household items and others. The museum's collections tell about the history of Ust-Sysolsk - Syktyvkar and the entire Republic of Kazakhstan, starting from the moment of its creation in 1921. From the late 1980s, gatherings began to form, revealing the history of the Gulag.
The museum has permanent exhibitions. In the department of history - "Komi region from ancient times to the middle of the twentieth century", in the department of nature - "Natural resources of the Komi Republic", in the department of ethnography - "Traditional culture of the Komi in the rituals of the life cycle of the late XIX - early XX centuries", in the Literary Museum IA Kuratova - "Istria of the language, writing and literature of Komi", in the House-Museum of I. P. Morozov - “I. P. Morozov is the fate of a person in the history of the republic. " The central expositions are located in buildings - monuments of architecture and history.
The museum does a lot of work with visitors. More than 100,000 people visit it every year. A special place is occupied by lectures and excursions on the ethnography of the Komi people. Ecological and folklore children's holidays are popular. The museum conducts research and publishing activities: prepares and publishes collections "Museums and Local History", organizes scientific seminars and conferences. Recently, the museum has been working on introducing new information technologies into historical and cultural projects.
The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan has repeatedly participated in grant competitions. Several projects aimed at improving educational, research, publishing, and exposition and exhibition activities were supported by grants from the Foundation of the President of the Russian Federation, the Museum Department of Finland, the J. Soros Foundation and others.
The Komi National Museum is a scientific and methodological center for municipal republican museums. The museum organizes internships for their employees, creates traveling exhibitions, conducts training conferences and seminars. Recently, the museum has been actively cooperating with museums in the Vologda, Arkhangelsk Kirov regions and the Perm Territory. Joint projects were carried out with the Moscow State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, the Tula Military-Historical and Natural Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Pole" and others. Fruitful work continues with the museums of the Finno-Ugric regions of the Russian Federation, the National Museum of Estonia and the Museum Department of Finland.