Description of the attraction
One of the largest and most popular waterfalls in the Murmansk region is the waterfall on the Chapoma River, which is a state hydrological natural monument of the Kola Peninsula. The waterfall is located in the southeastern side of the Kola Peninsula, namely in the Tersk region, on the beautiful Chapoma River, which is 8 km north of the river mouth.
On January 15, 1986, the waterfall on the Chapoma River was awarded the title of a monument, which happened in accordance with the order of the Murmansk Regional Executive Committee No. 24. The idea of creating a natural monument appeared on the occasion of the appearance of the proposal of Kondratovich I. I. and Klyueva R. F., which sounded in 1980. The channel of the Chapoma River, as well as the completely adjacent coastal area, one kilometer from each river bank, is subject to state protection. The protected area is 200 hectares. The waterfall is not only of nature protection, but also of aesthetic value.
On a section of the protected area, a similar and standard regime for this type of objects operates, according to which felling, various industrial works, as well as tourism or any similar activity that may lead to pollution of the waterfall is strictly prohibited. The guarantor of this object was a regional state institution called "Directorate of protected areas of regional significance in the Murmansk region."
The Chapoma River flows through the Terskiy and Lovozerkiy districts of the Murmansk region. Chapoma belongs to the rivers located in the southeastern side of the Kola Peninsula and flows into the famous White Sea. The total length of the river is 113 km, and the total catchment area is 1110 sq. km. It is on this river that the village of the same name is located, as well as other settlements. Some tributaries flow from the source and to the mouth of the Chapoma River - Komariy, Yuzhnaya Razvila Chapomy, Travyanoy, Zapadny Black, Labazovy, Maslovsky and Pavlosky. 150 km.
It is worth noting that in Chapom there are such fish as salmon and brown trout, which passes the river twice a year - in winter and summer.
The waterfall on the Chapoma River is the largest, not only in length, but also in the height of the fall of water from all available on the Kola Peninsula. The waterfall consists of several rapids, which are composed of ledges, on the highest of which water falls from a height of 20 meters. In this place, the course of the river is especially stormy and fast, which is associated with a huge number of large boulders and boulders resting on the bottom of the Chapoma River. Fairy tales rise right above the river banks, which form in this place a medium-sized, but especially picturesque canyon. It is worth noting that over 500 m, the waterfall forms a sharp difference in heights of about 30 m.
In the area where the monument is located, there is a large amount of vegetation, represented by taiga forests, a moss layer, a grass-dwarf shrub layer and an impressive number of bizarre epiphytic lichens. The most common plants are forest geranium, forest horsetail, cloudberry, and hellebore. As for rare plants that are listed in the Red Book, it is worth noting the Maryin root or deviating peony.
Scientific research works are regularly carried out in the area of the natural monument. For example, in the summer of 2003, all the territories adjacent to Chapoma were thoroughly investigated by the chief researcher Koroleva N. Ts.
At the initiative of one of the regional TV companies of the Murmansk region, in 2009 with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Murmansk Region and the branch of the Murmansk Wildlife Fund, the competition "Seven Wonders at the End of the World" area. Among the potential candidates, a waterfall on the Chapoma River was also mentioned.
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Daniil Karpichenko 2012-28-10
I visit the waterfall regularly, I really liked these places.
The last time I made a video of all the cascades: