A person can use some object for years and not understand how dangerous it can be. A game, an attraction, even a simple electronic cigarette - these are the very usual deadly things that at first glance seem harmless. Pay attention to them so as not to pay with your own health or life.

Darts is a well-known game, which is a field in which you need to throw darts. Darts are played by adults and children and are often hung in offices so that employees can relieve stress while playing. Darts are also indispensable for a big family party or picnic.
Darts for darts are made of metal (steel, brass). They easily enter the soil, tree, or the body of another person. For example, it is known that several children were seriously injured while playing darts in the open air and subsequently died. The other kids were not fatally injured.
According to statistics, in the late 70s - early 80s abroad, about 5 thousand people turned to doctors for help after they were hit by the most ordinary dart dart. About 80% of the victims were children under 15 years of age.
Both the manufacturers of such a dangerous toy and ordinary people perfectly understood what harm darts with sharp hard points can cause. In the 1970s, darts were removed from all shops. Then the representatives of the companies involved in the production of this fun offered the authorities a compromise - darts would no longer be sold in toy stores.
Dart targets were on sale again, though they bore an inscription that they were not a child's toy.
In 1988, darts was again banned in the West, but in this situation, the companies managed to win: they began to sell the target and darts separately, because it is no longer darts.
The kids' favorite pastime is jumping on trampolines. Large trampolines are often installed in private courtyards or public recreation areas. There are entire trampoline parks where guests will find huge spaces filled with trampolines of various shapes and sizes. However, few visitors to such parks think about the danger that lies in wait for them here.
A trampoline is a rather traumatic attraction. Back in 1993, in one of the episodes of the cartoon "The Simpsons", one could see injured children around a trampoline. Then the audience thought it was just a joke, but in vain.
Trampolines can cause sprains, broken bones, concussions and other injuries. Doctors know that about 100 thousand people a year are admitted to hospitals in Europe with injuries after unsuccessful jumps on trampolines. Moreover, 5% of them need urgent hospitalization, and several of these 100 thousand die.
It is especially scary when two or more children are playing on a trampoline at the same time. They can collide with each other, fly out of the trampoline, touch solid frames in motion. That is why doctors in civilized countries do not recommend parents to buy trampolines for home.
When an alternative to tobacco products appeared on the market - electronic cigarettes (vapes), smokers around the world decided that a holiday had come to their streets. E-cigarette companies have touted their product, claiming that it is free of all the shortcomings of conventional cigarettes.
Various aromatic additives are added to the filling of the vape, which attracted young people who were not previously fond of smoking into the army of electronic cigarette consumers.
Bloggers and journalists saw only the best in vapes. In those days, no one yet studied the effects of constant smoking of electronic cigarettes. It was a new, little-studied product that no one took seriously. Scientists only suggested that if a person does not inhale the harmful tar contained in tobacco products, then there can be no harm to health.
Is it really? Several years after e-cigarettes flooded the market, articles began to appear in specialized medical journals about thousands of vaper smokers who had severe lung damage.
Constant smoking of electronic cigarettes negatively affects the human body, causing:
- "Popcorn disease" caused by the constant inhalation of diacetyl (one of the components of aroma mixtures in vapes);
- allergic reactions and asthma, which can be caused by the presence of propylene glycol and flavors in e-cigarettes;
- diseases of the central nervous system are the result of exposure to formaldehydes, which appear due to the combination of components of refueling an electronic cigarette.
After the release of this data, the point of sale of e-cigarettes began to gradually disappear, but vapes can still be found in some kiosks and shops.