Three simple and unexpected tips from the Votpusk.ru portal
Spring and early summer were not easy this year. In the midst of the pandemic, we sat at home, going out on the street with passes, worried about our income, and many lost part of their earnings. And now it's August: how you want to relax! How to deny yourself a long-awaited trip? But there are also other problems: you are worried about how a small child will behave on a trip, you don’t know whom to leave elderly relatives for, and you worry that there will not be enough money for the trip … All problems can be solved! And how to do it, Votpusk.ru will tell you.
Traveling with children? Think everything in advance

To leave only positive emotions on vacation, you need to think over everything and prepare in advance, especially if you are going on a trip with a small child. The main problem when traveling with children is a violation of the feeding regime. When on the road or in any other unusual environment, it is often very difficult to adhere to the diet that your baby is used to at home. When traveling, it is undesirable to change the standard portion (increase or decrease, make it fuller or lighter), this can negatively affect the child's digestion processes. The kid should eat fresh food, so keep an eye on the storage conditions and, of course, do not forget about the rules of hygiene. Hand washing is the first item in the eating ritual.
Unfortunately, circumstances do not always allow you to follow all the rules, and this can be a real problem for parents on vacation, but this should not be neglected.
To avoid a lot of difficulties, it is better to stock up on food for the baby in advance, especially if the baby has not yet celebrated his first birthday. Salvation in such a situation can be mashed potatoes in a spider and products in sealed packaging, with the possibility of longer storage, a wide selection of which is presented by the Russian brand "FrutoNyanya". In this case, we are talking not only about fruit purees, but also about curds, and even about vegetable purees, which are presented in the format of "cream soups" that can be used to feed a child on an airplane, train or car. Thanks to the convenient and practical packaging, the baby will be able to eat anywhere and at any time, even if the parents do not have the opportunity to feed him at a special dining table. Moreover, this form of packaging will allow the child not to stain himself and everything around.
And another important point is storing food on the road. Sealed pouches, mashed potatoes and soups are easy to take with you. The shelf life of fruit and vegetable products in these packages is several months, so you don't need to worry about the puree spoiling. Baby cottage cheese in pouches must be stored in the refrigerator. For this, a portable thermal container with refrigerant and a thermometer is quite suitable. In addition, FrutoNyanya will not only feed your baby, but also entertain. Spider packaging lids with special fasteners can be easily converted into construction kit parts. Also, stock up on the road with baby cookies, and if the baby is more than 12 months old, then with fruit pieces, baby mini-breads or snack bars, but you need to be careful and follow the recommendations on the serving size and frequency of use so as not to overfeed the baby.
In addition to nutrition, it is important to maintain the drinking regime of the crumbs. The rate of fluid intake for each child is individual, and it cannot be reduced, even if you are on the road. It is imperative to take a bottle of special baby water with you so that your baby can quench his thirst at any time. Children's water "FrutoNyanya" is perfect for these purposes.
For an ideal and carefree vacation, it is worthwhile to decide in advance with all the details of the trip, especially with the diet of children. A well-fed baby is calm parents.
Take care of elderly relatives
The vacation experience can be spoiled by anxiety for unattended elderly relatives, especially if they suffer from age-related dementia or require ongoing medical care. What to do in such a situation?
You can ask a relative or family friend to temporarily take over the caregiver role. The advantage of this decision is that the grandmother or grandfather will remain in the company of a familiar person. However, this is not always convenient, because people have their own affairs that they will have to postpone during your vacation.
A professional nurse can be hired. In this case, you need to take care of her 24/7 living together with an incapacitated elderly relative. This is how you relieve the older person of the stress of relocation. But it is necessary to check the reputation and experience of the nurse, because it is simply dangerous to leave a helpless elderly person at the first comer, even in your own apartment.
In order to relax yourself, take care of proper and healthy rest for grandparents. The network of private nursing homes for the elderly, Social Systems Management Company, has short-term health promotion programs for the elderly. And you won't have to go far - boarding houses are located in Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the region, Samara.
In all boarding houses, elderly relatives will be offered not only health recovery programs, but also entertainment activities: dances, creative classes, walks, etc. It will not be boring! There is no need to worry that staying in a boarding house will disrupt the usual routine of your relative: the stay program adapts to the habits and needs of each guest.
Before issuing a voucher to boarding houses of the Management Company "Social Systems", you will have to pass tests for COVID-19: the safety of guests is a priority here. Local doctors, nurses and care specialists will take care of the rest.
What can you do to prevent financial problems from overshadowing your vacation?
The cost of recreation in Russia this year has increased dramatically. According to various estimates, people in Crimea and Sochi tend to spend twice as much as a year earlier. According to the Izvestia newspaper, in the Chelyabinsk, Kaluga, Tver and Kaliningrad regions, as well as in the Altai Territory, the rise in prices was about 25%.
According to RANEPA professor Galina Dekhtyar, the rise in prices for tourist services is recorded everywhere. She noted that now the prices for vacations in the Crimea, Sochi and even in the Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions are comparable to the prices of the best hotels in Turkey and other countries. At the same time, tourists are often not ready for increased spending. The financial situation of many of them has deteriorated due to the pandemic.
At the same time, it is not always possible to clearly calculate the budget for vacation and save on literally everything. During the trip, money can run out, and the rest of the vacation will be ruined. What to do in such a situation? It is difficult to get a bank loan on a trip; asking relatives for a loan is also not always a good option.
Financial difficulties can be quickly resolved using the Webbankir online platform. You can send an application for a loan at any time of the day from anywhere in the world where there is the Internet, through the website or mobile application. It will take just a few minutes to fill it out, and when you reapply, the operation takes just a couple of clicks. Within three seconds, the money is credited to the card.
At the same time, for new clients, the loan will cost free of charge - at 0% - subject to repayment within ten days. During this time, you will probably have time to return home and solve financial issues.
If the loan is taken for 20 days or more, if it is repaid on time, cashback is charged, which can be used to pay interest on future loans.