Going on a winter vacation, in addition to the right mood and wallet, do not forget to take out travel insurance. The coveted policy can not only protect your health, but also save your life. And it doesn't matter where you are going: to the sea or to the mountains. It is more important how to use insurance correctly
Travel insurance in Thailand: instructions for use

Since 2007, entry to Thailand has become visa-free for Russians. Therefore, it is not necessary to insure yourself when going to the azure sea with sharks and marvelous beaches with many parasites and Dengue fever. Some tourists, hoping for a "Russian maybe", do just that. So what? What Russian doesn't like crazy rest?
For a harmless acute intestinal infection, you will have to pay about 1200 baht ($ 36). Plus medications that will cost at least 2500 baht ($ 70). In case of hospitalization for 1 day, say, in "/>
So it is not worth saving on your health and the health of children when going to the "land of smiles". "The risk of feeling bad here, based on the statistics of requests for medical care, is high," said the experts of the Allianz insurance company. At the same time, the cost of basic travel insurance is minimal. For 10 - 15 days of stay, it will cost from 1,500 rubles with a coverage of $ 30,000. This amount is more than enough to use the help of medical services if necessary.
What else is simply necessary to know ?! The rules for providing medical care in Thailand differ from those in Russia. Therefore, Allianz Insurance Company recommends that tourists traveling to this country take into account the following:
- In Thailand, it is often not enough to call a doctor at home. Patients independently come to the clinic, where it is possible to pass tests, make the necessary diagnostic examinations, as well as carry out the appropriate medical procedures on an outpatient basis and, if necessary, hospitalize the patient.
- In case of serious illness, the patient is delivered to the clinic by an ambulance. But the tasks of the ambulance are limited only to stabilizing the patient's condition and transporting him, so the team consists only of junior medical personnel and does not have a doctor.
- Important! Calling an ambulance in Thailand is paid, the average cost is about 2,000 baht ($ 60), and this type of transport will cost more than a taxi by an average of 25%. You can call for emergency help at 191. However, do not forget that if the patient's condition is urgent, then calling an ambulance is unlikely to be advisable. The waiting time is 1 hour or more. In order not to waste precious time, it is wiser to take a taxi in a matter of minutes. There are a lot of fast tuk-tuk at every turn.
- At the resorts of Phuket and Pattaya, chosen by Russian tourists, almost every clinic has a Russian-speaking staff. In all others, the medical staff speaks good English. For the translation of a medical consultation and diagnosis, the insured can also contact the assistance service of the insurance company.
- In many medical institutions, patients are asked to leave their passports as a deposit and returned after payment for services or full coverage by the insurance company.
- The average time for organizing assistance through a service company is 2 to 4 hours. It is in assistance that you should immediately call on any issue where medical assistance will be organized 24 hours a day.
Travel insurance in Finland: instructions for use

To spend winter holidays in Finland, surrounded by reindeer, in the homeland of Joloupukki (that is the name of the Finnish Santa Claus) is a dream not only for children, but also for many adults. Which is fair: almost untouched nature, fabulous snow-covered forests, lakes and a million opportunities for an unforgettable pastime!
“Prepare the sleigh from the summer” - this proverb describes the planning of New Year's holidays in Finland with incredible accuracy: indeed, it is better to book accommodation and tickets in advance, even in the summer, because already in September the demand rises sharply, and with it the price level.
Do not forget about your visa and insurance - the key point in organizing your trip. How many happy tourists, who managed to catch tickets at the best prices, book the coolest cottage on the shore of the lake and were already mentally frying freshly caught trout for dinner, suffered a crushing fiasco when they opened their passport at the airport and found there the lack of the coveted document. To visit Finland, you need to obtain a Schengen visa, which cannot be obtained without medical insurance.
And even if you already have a five-year Schengen in your passport, this is not a reason to neglect your travel policy! Allianz emphasizes: despite the fact that Finland is extremely attractive in terms of safety and comfort level, no one canceled the standard travel risks. And these are the most basic ones:
- Winter is winter. When skiing on the slopes of Iso-Syuot or snowboarding in Lapland, you need to fear not only injuries, but also the less obvious troubles associated with hypothermia. The latter is especially relevant for the smallest tourists, whose fragile organisms are most susceptible to colds and complications in the form of tonsillitis and otitis media. Be sure to keep the ambulance contact - 112, as well as the Assistance phone number: it is the Assistance that will guide you in a force majeure situation, give detailed advice on the procedure for further actions and solve your problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Self-medication is a dangerous and costly occupation, especially in a foreign country.
- Returning to injuries in active sports, it is completely unacceptable and reckless to save on additional insurance coverage related to winter sports. Even calling an ambulance in Finland is not cheap, and hospitalization, examination and treatment will cost hundreds and even tens of thousands of euros!
- According to Allianz statistics, a significant number of household calls are associated with dental problems. Toothache is usually taken by surprise, and no one is immune from it. In order not to waste your hard-earned money on a dentist, as well as time to find him, call the Assistance: following the instructions and consistency of actions is an important point that allows you to get the necessary help without any problems.
- The traditional Finnish cuisine, rich in bushmeat dishes, deserves special attention. Food poisoning is unlikely, but overeating, especially from habit, is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In situations more serious than banal discomfort and severity, the insurance company will come to the rescue. The main thing is that at this moment the level of alcohol in the blood tends to zero. Having been poisoned with Finnish vodka, one should not hope for help and coverage of expenses. So be smart!
- Allianz recommends choosing winter sports insurance for family ski holidays. After all, children are active and more susceptible to injuries and colds. This approach will make it possible to neutralize all risks and rely not only on emergency assistance in a critical situation, inpatient examination, treatment and early transportation home with standard insurance. The fact is that the traditional tourist policy does not take into account the risks of snowboarding, snow scooters, snowmobiling and other winter entertainment.
The appeal in case of an insured event does not present any difficulties. All you need is to call the Assistance hotline, introduce yourself and provide the details of your insurance policy. The operator will select a clinic, appoint a doctor and give the necessary instructions. It is important to keep all checks, statements and receipts in order to present them for redemption by the insurance company in the future.