The island Republic of Fiji is a clear illustration of what is commonly called the end of the world. Even distant Australia is located much closer on the globe, and New Zealand, which seemed inaccessible, after studying the coordinates of the Fiji archipelago, becomes practically the center of the world. And yet there is no shortage of tourists on the islands, especially from neighboring countries. This is not surprising, because it is precisely such passionate lovers of lost islands and white beaches that the ideal vacation seems to be. Do not assume that the archipelago can only offer a lazy vacation scenario. When asked what to see in Fiji, the guides willingly answer. There are many attractions in the country that can diversify the rest of travelers with a wide variety of preferences.
TOP 10 attractions in Fiji

In the era of British colonial rule in Fiji, the capital of the country was the city of Levuka, located on the island of Ovalau. You should definitely plan an excursion here, because the town has preserved the incomparable flavor of the century before last, and in the museum you can study the history of the Fiji Islands, discovered in the first half of the 17th century. expedition Abel Tasman. The so-called Stone of Freedom is installed in the center of Levuka. In 1970, the monument appeared in honor of the proclamation of the independence of the islands from Great Britain.
In Levuka, you can climb to the top of the Missoni hill and enjoy the panoramic view of the Lekalek bay and reef; see pygmy parrots, hawks and bats on a walk in the surrounding jungle; swim on a deserted beach and snorkel; get to know the locals, who are called the main attraction of Fiji.
A few kilometers from Levuka, right in the crater of an extinct volcano is the village of Lovoni. In its vicinity, you can visit the cemetery of the leaders of local tribes and look at the old English fort.
Sigatoki Sand Dunes
The country's first national park appeared in Fiji, a couple of kilometers south of the Sigatoka resort. The reserve protects a unique ecosystem of sand dunes covering more than 650 hectares. But not only natural attractions became the reason for declaring the territory on the island of Viti Levu a protected area. In the vicinity of Sigatoka, archaeologists have discovered several dozen ancient burials dating from at least the 15th century. BC NS. Some of the burials are located in the Naikhere caves, revered by local aborigines and called a sacred place on the islands. The total number of archaeological sites in Sigatoka is about two hundred, many of them are available for tourists to explore.
The museum of the national park presents some of the rarities found during the excavations. Tour guides tell guests a local legend about sand people - cannibals who lived here many centuries ago.
Ticket price: about US $ 4.5.
Thurster Botanical Gardens
In the capital of the republic, called Suva, special attention is paid to Thurston Gardens - botanical gardens, laid out in the late 80s of the XIX century. They were named after the Governor of Fiji, Sir John Bates Thurston. The gardens occupy a vast space between Albert Park and the Government House in Suva.
In 1843, a bloody battle took place on the island between the Rewa and Mbau tribes, as a result of which part of the townspeople died. It was decided to build a beautiful park on the site of the old administrative center, for which Governor Thurston invited John Horne, director of the Mauritius Botanical Gardens, to Suva. A renowned botanist, Horn proposed a successful project in Fiji.
In 1918, a Clock Tower appeared in the gardens in memory of the first mayor of the archipelago's capital. The Fiji Museum is also located in the Suva Botanical Gardens. The exposition occupies a building built in 1955. The halls of the museum display evidence of the history of the islands and artifacts found in Fiji and in coastal waters.
While walking along the alleys of the garden, you will certainly come across several types of palm trees, flowering water lilies, orchids and other plants typical of Oceania.
Ticket price: about US $ 4.
Sleeping Giant's Garden
An interesting botanical garden from the point of view of a lover of tropical flora can be found in the city of Nadi, which ranks third among the largest settlements of the archipelago. The object began with a small private collection of tropical plants owned by Canadian actor Raymond Barr. Then the park expanded and grew into a facility of national importance.
In the Botanical Garden of the Sleeping Giant, thousands of representatives of the orchid family of dozens of rare and unique varieties await you. There are hiking trails in the park. In the small house where the founder of the botanical garden lived, the actor's personal belongings have been preserved and many interesting photos are exhibited.
Ticket price: US $ 4.5.
Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve
The Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve offers all guests a variety of active activities. It is located near the capital of Fiji and is a popular holiday destination with locals.
In the Kolo-i-Suva forest, you can watch the birds that are common in Fiji. In the reserve, they nest in natural conditions and are of particular interest to bird watchers and photo hunters. Several kilometers of hiking trails have been laid in the park, allowing you to observe the only endemic mammal of the archipelago - bats. Paths are laid along the shores of natural lakes and streams, where you can swim during the hike. Active entertainment for visitors to the park consists in overcoming obstacles on the cable car path - a system of swings, bungees and climbing frames, organized between the trees.
The park was founded in 1872 by the British. It occupies about five hectares of natural tropical and equatorial forest. In Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve, the Vaisila stream flows, which flows into one of the largest rivers in the country, Vaimanu, and forms a beautiful waterfall in one of the sections of the protected forest.
Krishnaite temple
According to statistics, Fiji has the largest percentage of the Krishna religion per capita in the world, and therefore it is not surprising that the local temple is one of the largest structures of this kind in all of Oceania. The temple is located in Lautoka and visitors are abundant here at any time of the day. The most interesting visit to the religious building of the Hare Krishnas can be during the Sunday prayer, called "puja" among the adherents of this religion. You will hear a lot of drumming, bells ringing, singing, and you will be able to look at the possibilities and consequences of competent meditation.
Swami-Shiva-Sri-Subramaniya Temple
Behind such a not too short name, there is still about
the bottom of the famous religious building of the Republic of Fiji. The Hindu sanctuary in the city of Nadi was built by adherents of the religion brought from India. The temple is dedicated to three deities at once, which are very revered by Hindus. In three parts of the structure, Ganesha, Meenakshi and Murugan are worshiped.
In honor of the gods, a tower of the sanctuary was erected, soaring into the sky for 30 meters. It is adorned with bas-reliefs depicting the life of the Hindu divine assembly, and painted in various cheerful colors.
Sugar mill
Lautoka is known in the archipelago under the code name of the "sugar capital". It is this town that is the center of the region where sugarcane is grown, and a factory for processing sweet raw materials was built in Lautoka.
The main attraction of the production is an old mill, with the help of which reeds are ground. It is located on Nadovu Rd. and is famous for serving people for over 100 years. The mill was opened in 1903.and it is still considered the largest and most productive among the rest.
Guests are allowed to look at the technological process, which in Fiji has practically not changed over the past century. If you are on the islands in September, be sure to take part in the "Festival of Sugar" - an event as spectacular and colorful as it is unique. Authentic souvenirs, impressions and unique photographs are guaranteed to all observers.
Kava ceremony
Kava is said to be the Fijian way of life. This drink is made from the root of a plant called yacon. The rubbed rhizome is mixed with water and filtered through a cloth. Frankly speaking, most of all kava resembles muddy water, but tasting it almost instantly brings relaxation and brings the drinker into a state of bliss and mild euphoria. In parallel, slight numbness of the lips and tongue may occur, which quickly passes and does not cause any harm to the taster.
Fijians drink a lot of kava, and the process of making it turns into a colorful show for tourists. Most often, guests from Europe are brought to the village of Soleva, located on the Malolo island, to get acquainted with the cava tasting ceremony. A bottle of cava can be a nice souvenir for colleagues or friends.

The Savusavu resort is called a hidden paradise on the islands. Real Robinsons prefer to rest here, wishing to escape from civilization for at least a couple of weeks.
Topping the list of natural attractions in Savusavu are its hot springs, which are boiling evidence of active volcanic processes still ongoing somewhere in the depths of the ocean.
Another famous landmark that originates on the outskirts of Savusavu is the Hibiscus Highway. More than 100 km of the road, on both sides of which flashes tropical landscapes, are decorated with blooming hibiscus. The resorts, between which the highway is laid, are considered the most beautiful in Fiji. You can feel yourself in paradise on any local beach. Bounty pictures provide three colors - emerald green of palm trees, white sand and turquoise of all shades by the sea and sky.