- Money
- Clothes and footwear
- Cosmetics
- Technique
- Tobacco and alcohol
- Food
- Childen's goods
- Other items
- Medicines
- What is forbidden to import into Israel
- Export rules
The customs issue has darkened the rest of more than one thousand tourists, especially if you are traveling actively and you have absolutely no time to study the rules of each country. Meanwhile, each state has its own nuances of entry and they must be observed so that you are not turned back at the arrival terminal. It will be doubly offensive to receive a large fine or a prison sentence due to a ban that you did not even know about. The customs laws and regulations of Israel are especially strict in terms of import, therefore, what can be imported into Israel from Russia should be found out in advance and prudently get rid of provocative baggage.
Despite some differences, in general, Israel's customs policy is not much different from similar laws in other countries. You can bring personal belongings and household items, jewelry and even certain foodstuffs here, but all this in reasonable quantities so that the controlling persons do not suspect that you are planning to sell all this and illegally cash in on local residents.
All permitted things can be divided into several groups:
- clothing and footwear;
- jewelry and accessories;
- cash;
- technique;
- products;
- alcohol and tobacco;
- other things.
What absolutely can be imported into Israel, and in unlimited quantities, is money. Money can be imported as much as you like and in any currency, fortunately, you can easily exchange it for local shekels at any bank, exchanger or ATM.
However, if you are carrying more than $ 25 thousand / € 20 thousand, they will have to be declared. And it is better not to neglect this rule, since who is not caught - not a thief, but who is caught by the Israeli customs control service - is detained in the country for 6 months, which they will spend in prison resorts. An alternative measure is a fine and confiscation of undeclared money, and the fine is an order of magnitude greater than the amount of confiscated. Compared to such measures, six months in prison is not the worst option.
Clothes and footwear
The next thing that can be brought to Israel from Russia is clothing. This includes outerwear, underwear, warm jackets, fur coats and other wardrobe items. However, expensive fur coats and coats can be regarded as luxury items. Therefore, it is better to declare them at the entrance, just in case.
All of these things are imported in sufficient quantities for personal use. If you are traveling for two weeks and carry five suitcases with outfits, the control service may reasonably have suspicions about your account, and they will increase many times over if the imported clothing does not have torn labels, factory labels, plus the clothes will be of different sizes.
The same applies to shoes, decor items, haberdashery, accessories, etc.
What if you are bringing things as a gift? Do not tear off the labels from them and wear them before leaving to give them a proper look? For such cases, there is a relaxation in the rules - you can bring new things and gifts, but so that their total value does not exceed $ 200.
Cosmetic and perfumery products, as well as hygiene and other chemicals should be transported in moderation. It is unlikely that on vacation you will need 10 shower gels or 15 tubes of cream at once. Surplus perfume should be abandoned altogether, since everything that exceeds 250 ml is taboo, or rather, a duty.
Moreover, the transportation of perfumery products - alcohol-containing spirits and eau de toilette, is allowed only by adult passengers, the child will not be able to cheat and put half of the bottles.
Israel's entry rules allow the import of household appliances in limited quantities, that is, sufficient for one person, but the products must not be new, that is, used. Thus, local authorities are trying to counteract the illegal sale of equipment, because the main sin of the Western world is tax evasion. Therefore, experienced tourists know that it is impossible to import equipment into Israel in factory packaging and with labels.
The permit applies to cameras, phones, players, but does not apply to video cameras and other video equipment, as well as computers and laptops - they must be declared.
In addition, if the customs officers suspect that you are carrying new equipment for sale, they have every right to take a deposit from tourists, equal to the customs duty. It can be returned upon departure by presenting a receipt for payment and the equipment itself, that is, proving that you have not sold anything, have not lost anything, and in good faith are taking everything back.
Tobacco and alcohol
There are clear restrictions on the transportation of tobacco and alcoholic products in Israel, as well as in other countries. You can take with you no more than 250 grams of tobacco, or 200 cigarettes, which is equivalent to a standard block of cigarettes. For a larger amount, you will have to pay a fee.
As for how much alcohol can be brought into Israel, then for spirits such as vodka, cognac, rum, whiskey, bourbon, scotch, spirits, etc. there is a limit of one liter per person. Weak alcohol - wine, cocktails, liqueurs, each tourist can bring up to two liters.
At the same time, the age of the tourist, in whose luggage there are tobacco and alcohol, must be over 17 years old, otherwise everything can be confiscated, and a fine is imposed on a minor who likes to smoke and drink, more precisely on his parents or accompanying persons.
If you believe the rules, you can import any foodstuff into Israel (with the exception of fresh meat), but with weight restrictions. The weight of each type of product should not exceed one kilogram, and the total weight of all imported products should not exceed three kilograms.
You can import sausages, fish, all kinds of smoked meats, sweets, bulk, canned food, seeds, nuts, snacks and other food. It is highly desirable that the food is well packaged and does not leak or odor.
Can I bring homemade food to Israel? For example, grandma's pies as a gift to relatives living here, pickled cucumbers according to family recipes or other family delicacies? There is no clear answer to this question, since the “rules of three kilograms” do not specify which products should be, restrictions on the origin of products are also not spelled out in the rules, which means that such products can be imported.
Childen's goods
The rules for entering the Holy Land with children's things are quite democratic. Reasonable quantities of children's clothing and footwear, toys, baby food, strollers, diapers and other things are allowed. The main rule is that everything is only for personal use and in sufficient quantity. If the child has too many things for the period of the visit to the country, the customs service may ask you to pay a fee.
Other items
From what can be brought to Israel, one can mention jewelry for personal use, bijouterie, cosmetics, shoes, accessories, and everyday items.
It is possible to import medicines into Israel in factory packaging, so that there are no problems at customs, it is advisable to back them up with a notarized prescription. However, as practice shows, local customs officers are rarely interested in first aid kits of tourists, especially if everything is well packed and carried in baggage, and not in hand luggage.
Antipyretic, analgesic, antiallergenic, cold, antiseptic drugs, medicines for bowel disorders, as well as bandages and plasters are imported to most countries, including Israel, without any problems.
Of the things that cannot be brought to Israel from Russia and other states, it is possible to note drugs with narcotic components in the composition, psychotropic drugs. If their use is necessary in connection with the disease, you must have a prescription from the attending physician, certified by the seal of the hospital and a notary, a receipt from the pharmacy, a copy of the medical history, also notarized.
To avoid problems at the entrance, it makes sense to consult with customs officers before passing the control zone and, if necessary, throw out prohibited medicines.
What is forbidden to import into Israel
Completely prohibited for import:
- Narcotic substances and their components, preparations containing them (with the exception of prescription drugs).
- Counterfeit documents, and this applies not only to identity cards or driver's licenses, but also to fake receipts and certificates for goods, medicinal prescriptions, etc.
- Counterfeit currency of any country in the form of paper money or coins.
- Plant seeds and packaging from under them.
- Pornography on any medium, including phones, computers, magazines, posters, etc.
- Materials that can be regarded as propaganda of terrorism or violence. These are video and photographic materials on a computer, a camera, printed materials, symbols of organizations recognized as terrorist.
- Any types of weapons - cold, firearms, pneumatic, gas. Sporting weapons with accompanying documents are not included here. Certain species require a special permit.
- Explosives, poisonous substances and other items that may pose a public hazard.
- Any gambling item from lottery tickets to hardware.
- Certain species of animals that are dangerous, including fighting dogs, as well as pets under four months of age (when importing animals, they must have a passport).
What can be imported into Israel with a special permit:
- Pets.
- Walkie-talkies and other equipment for special communications.
- Agricultural seeds, plants and animals.
Export rules
Almost any item can be exported from Israel in unlimited quantities. There are restrictions on the export of cash - it is allowed to export 25 thousand dollars or 20 thousand euros or any currency equivalent to these amounts at the current exchange rate, the excess must be indicated in the declaration.
It should also be borne in mind that you cannot export antiques and any other things produced before 1700 from Israel to Russia. If you bought something from antiques, for its export you must obtain a written permission from the director of the Antiquities Department, and upon leaving you will be deducted a duty of 10% of the declared value. Of course, you must have receipts from the store.
There are no restrictions on other items.