- Features of parking in Denmark
- Parking in Danish cities
- Car rental in Denmark
Interested in the nuances of parking in Denmark? You have to keep in mind that parking spaces in Danish cities are quite small and many streets are a kind of one-way maze. As far as toll roads are concerned, only the Oresund Bridge (DKK 360) and the Great Belt Bridge (DKK 125) are payable.
Features of parking in Denmark
Parking lots, equipped on the side of the roads, offer owners / tenants to leave their iron horses there for up to 1 hour.
Free of charge, but for a maximum of 2 hours, you can leave your car in parking zones marked “10-18 2timers”, where you must use a parking disc (usually they are in the glove compartments of rented cars).
When it comes to paid parking, they are divided into 3 types: red (the highest rates), green and blue (located in suburban areas; these are the cheapest parking lots that can be used on Sundays without paying a fee).
Important: “payback” with parking meters is made by means of coins, credit cards, a scratch ticket (you can go to the post office, gas station or car shop to purchase), as well as a mobile application from your phone.
Parking in Danish cities
In Nestved, you can park on 30-seat Brogade 2-6 (11 DKK / 1 hour and 65 DKK / day), and stay at Hotel Kirstine (a hotel located 15 minutes' drive from BonBon Land amusement park gourmet restaurant, sun terrace, free parking) or Hotel Vinhuset (equipped with uniquely styled rooms, Vinhuskælderen restaurant in a 15th century cellar, parking with free parking spaces).
In Billund, the 50-seat Billund Trav parking lot (DKK 30/24 hours) is available for parking, and the Refborg Hotel (a gourmet boutique with a café, Spiseriet restaurant, free parking) and Hotel Legoland (hotel, has a separate entrance to the Legoland amusement park, themed rooms, a gym, a sauna, a Billund swimming pool with slides, a store with new Lego products, free parking for guests).
Odense has the following car parks: 85-seat Thomas B. Thriges Gade 26 (12 DKK / hour), 183-seat Fisketorvet P-Kælder (12 DKK / 60 minutes), 40-seat Lerchesgate 1 A (10 DKK / hour), 32-seat Slottet (12 DKK / 60 minutes), 59-seat Kronprinsensgade 3 (8 DKK / hour), 43-seat Asylgade 11 (12 DKK / 60 minutes), 200-seat VIVA (150 DKK / day), 177-seat Toldkammeret (9 DKK / half hour), 35-seat Filosoffen Ude (160 DKK / day), 20-seat Vestergade 93 (8 DKK / 60 minutes) and free Kunsten (20 parking spaces), and Torstrup - 80 seats Carl Gustavs Gade 1 (DKK 15 / hour) and Hoje Taastrup Station (DKK 80/24 hours).
Randers will delight car travelers with the 127-seat Nordisk Film Biografer Randers (2 hours - no fee, 24 hours - 20 DKK), Datmærsken (12 DKK / 60 minutes), 15-seat Tinghuspladsen (8, 50 DKK / hour), 80-seat Thorsgate / Nordregrave (DKK 10/120 minutes and 25 DKK / day), 25-seat Thorsgate 18 (this is free parking, but the maximum stay is 2 hours), 50-seat Odinsgarten (DKK 8/60 minutes), 70-seat Trangstræde (DKK 10.50 / hour), Laksetorvet 13-seat (DKK 8.50 / 60 minutes), Randers Regnskov 180-seat (DKK 8 / hour), 900 - local parking Regionshospitalitet Randers (60 DKK / day).
In Aalborg, 313-seat Salling (DKK 13/60 minutes), 26-seat Adelgade 20 (14 DKK / hour and 6 DKK / night from 18:00 to 06:00), 70-seat Budolfi Kirke (16 DKK / hour), 850-seat Friis P-kælder (10 DKK / 60 minutes), 100-seat Agade - Torvet (16 DKK / hour), 70-seat Urbansgade (10 DKK / hour), 20- local Sundhedens Hus (16 DKK / 60 minutes), 240-seat Sauers Plads (7 DKK / hour), 16-seat Kennedy Arkaden Ude (160 DKK / 24 hours), 50-seat Textil-Centret (9 DKK / 60 minutes), and in Aarhus - Naturhistorisk Museum (DKK 15 / hour), Maskinmesterskolen (DKK 39/120 minutes), Vesterbro Torv 15 (DKK 12/60 minutes), Peter Sabroes Gade P-hus (DKK 65/24 hours), Magasin (DKK 64/3 hours), Botanisk Have (120 free parking spaces that can be occupied for a maximum of 5 hours), Aboulevardens P-Kælder (DKK 25/60 minutes), Havnens Perle parking (DKK 18 CZK / hour).
Well, in Copenhagen there is a 137-seat Industriens Hus (39 DKK / hour), a 120-seat Jernbanegade P-hus (40 DKK / 60 minutes), a 45-seat Jarmers Plads (1 hour will cost 3-31 DKK), 820-seat Vesterport (60 minutes - 20-28 DKK, 24 hours - 195 DKK), 90-seat Nyropsgade 27 (18 DKK / hour), 92-seat Saga (35 DKK / 45 minutes and 400 DKK / day), 50-seat Nykredit (250 DKK / 24 hours), 140-seat Illum (86 DKK / 2 hours) and other car parks.
Car rental in Denmark
A week of car rental in Denmark (you need an international driver's license for it) Opel Astra will cost 100 euros, and Audi A3 - 110 euros. It is worth noting that the driver must be over 20 years old.
- drivers must carefully watch the cyclists on the right (they have priority on the road);
- average fuel price - 6, 84-10, 67 Danish kroner / 1 liter;
- Anyone who does not turn on the dipped beam 24 hours a day will be punished with a fine of DKK 1,000 (the same penalty applies to those who violate the parking rules).