How to move to Montenegro

How to move to Montenegro
How to move to Montenegro
photo: How to move to Montenegro
photo: How to move to Montenegro
  • Where to begin?
  • Legal ways to move to Montenegro for permanent residence
  • All works are good
  • Business people
  • You will be declared husband and wife
  • Think for yourself, decide for yourself

Increasingly attracting the attention of the world tourist community, Montenegro seems to be very attractive for potential immigrants. The mild Mediterranean climate, inexpensive real estate so far, a similar mentality and an easy-to-learn state language make more and more Russian citizens come to permanent residence in the small Balkan republic. The question of how to move to Montenegro is answered by the migration legislation of the state, the strictest observance of all requirements of which guarantees the receipt of a residence permit, and then the citizenship of the republic.

Where to begin?

For a tourist trip to Montenegro, Russian citizens do not even need a visa, but to move to the Balkan republic and issue a residence permit in the future, they will need to obtain a national visa - work, student or other, depending on the grounds that the potential migrant is ready to provide to the authorities.

If you have legal rights to obtain a residence permit, the foreigner receives the status of a temporary resident, which will have to be renewed annually as it expires. Being in this status for five years and observing all the requirements of the migration authorities are the grounds for obtaining a permanent residence permit, and subsequently, after the expiration of the same period, the citizenship of Montenegro.

Legal ways to move to Montenegro for permanent residence

Those who decide to move to the shores of the distant Adriatic will have to choose one of the ways to legally stay in the country. The list of possible options almost does not differ from the similar list for the states of the European Union:

  • Conclusion of an employment contract and employment in Montenegro. For citizens of Russia, like other foreigners, the requirements in this case include the presence of a contract with a Montenegrin employer.
  • Education in higher educational institutions of Montenegro. The applicant receives a student residence permit in case of signing a study agreement.
  • Reunification with family members who are citizens of the republic or residing in Montenegro on other legal grounds.
  • Conclusion of marriage with a citizen or citizen of Montenegro.
  • Registration of your own business and investment in the Montenegrin economy. Investing money in the development of the republic is a direct way to quickly obtain not only a residence permit, but also citizenship of the country.

Until 2010, all foreigners who bought real estate in Montenegro could use the right to obtain a residence permit. Today, owners can only count on tourist visas, which allow them to stay in the country for no more than 90 days a year.

All works are good

For Russian citizens who have decided to move to Montenegro for permanent residence, one of the ways to realize their dreams can be employment in the republic. Having found a suitable vacancy and enlisting the support of a Montenegrin employer, a foreigner can obtain a residence permit on the basis of a concluded work contract.

Particularly in demand on the labor market in Montenegro are builders and engineers, service workers - waiters and maids, hotel administrators and guides, certified guides and translators with knowledge of major European languages.

Business people

Investing in the Montenegrin economy is a direct way to obtain a residence permit, and then a country's passport, bypassing many formalities. The only condition is a solid amount of the invested funds. Immigration laws are significantly softened for foreigners who have offered half a million euros or more as an investment contribution.

You will be declared husband and wife

By marrying a local resident, a foreigner or foreigner can apply for a residence permit, and then for permanent resident status, only if they manage to convince the authorities of the sincerity of their intentions to start a family. In accordance with existing legislation, spouses will have to go through various interviews and collect evidence that the marriage is valid - joint photos, tickets for travel to relatives, bills paid with funds from a joint bank account, and so on. The slightest doubt about the truth of feelings can give the authorities a reason to deprive an immigrant of a residence permit and deport a fictitious spouse from the country.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself

The Republic of Montenegro does not recognize dual citizenship, and therefore everyone who receives its passport will have to renounce their previous citizenship. But the Montenegrin passport becomes a document for unhindered entry into all Schengen countries.

In order to become a Montenegrin citizen, you will have to strictly comply with local laws throughout the entire status of temporary and permanent residence. Applicants for citizenship must pass a test for proficiency in the national state language and an examination for knowledge of the history of the country.

Despite all the obvious advantages of immigration to Montenegro, moving to live here means not being in the most economically prosperous country in the Old World. The republic cannot yet boast of a fast pace of construction and restoration of the economy destroyed by the war and transitional political stages. The real estate available in the country most often requires major repairs, and the roads and other infrastructure in the outback are not much different from their Russian counterparts.
