- Where to begin?
- Grounds for obtaining a residence permit
- Legal ways to move to Latvia for permanent residence
- Business people
- Think for yourself, decide for yourself
Membership in the European Union has allowed Latvia to expand its trade relations with developed countries and significantly strengthen its economic condition. Despite the continuing trend of a decrease in the local population due to an outflow to the more developed countries of the European Union, the republic remains quite popular in terms of immigration intentions. The bulk of those looking for an answer to the question of how to move to Latvia are citizens of Russia and other residents of the post-Soviet space.
Where to begin?
Statistics say that at least 40 percent of the population of Latvia has Russian roots, but the process of integration into Latvian society will not seem easy, even despite the historical preconditions.
The move will have to begin with obtaining a visa, which gives the right to enter the country and stay in it for specific purposes - for work, study or family reunification. Such a long-term visa further gives the right to obtain a residence permit in Latvia.
Grounds for obtaining a residence permit
A residence permit is a document that gives a foreigner the right to stay on the territory of the republic for the time indicated on it. The card is valid in tandem with the foreign passport of an immigrant and is renewed as it expires:
- The temporary residence permit is renewed annually for the next 12 months for 4 years.
- After this period, the foreigner can apply for permanent resident status.
- Residence permit in Latvia allows you to move freely throughout the Schengen area.
- A residence permit guarantees an immigrant a certain set of rights that he can freely use - receive social benefits, pensions, medical care and free school education, get a job, issue a single driver's license for the entire territory of the European Union, etc.
A residence permit does not limit a foreigner's stay in the country, but in order to obtain then permanent resident status, it will be required that for five years of stay with a temporary residence permit, a foreigner leaves the country for no more than a year in total or for six months continuously.
Legal ways to move to Latvia for permanent residence
Like other European countries, the Republic of Latvia provides several legal opportunities for foreigners wishing to move to live in it:
- Family reunification. If your close relatives are already citizens of the republic, you can get a residence permit faster and without bureaucratic delays.
- Employment. You should start looking for a job by studying the list of the most demanded vacancies on the Latvian labor market. Unlike wealthy EU countries, wages and working conditions in Latvia leave much to be desired, but Russian immigrants are often content with the options offered.
- Marriage to a citizen or citizen of the country. When starting a family, remember the close attention of the migration authorities to your marital relations. Any reason to doubt the truthfulness of intentions can lead to the loss of a residence permit and even deportation.
- Starting your own business or financial investments in the country's economy. The legislation of Latvia is especially loyal, in comparison with other EU countries, refers to the emergence of foreign companies.
- Education at local universities. The student is granted a residence permit for the entire period of study. Over the years, most foreign students manage to find a good job or start a family in Latvia.
Those who in the past had a passport of a citizen of the Latvian SSR and refugees for political, religious and other reasons will also be able to obtain a residence permit, and then citizenship of Latvia.
Business people
You can become the owner of a Latvian residence permit by purchasing real estate in the country and investing in its economy.
Buying a home requires an investment of at least 142, 3 thousand euros if the property is located in the capital and major cities, and 71, 15 thousand euros - if the apartment or house is located in the province.
Investment schemes differ depending on the profitability and size of the enterprise where the immigrant plans to invest.
The general condition for immigrant investors is the need to stay in the territory of Latvia for four full years out of five spent in the status of a temporary resident. Only then will the authorities consider your application for a permanent residence permit.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself
Latvia retains the right of immigrants not to renounce the citizenship of their home country. To obtain a Latvian passport, a foreigner will have to go through the naturalization process. The applicant must be over 15 years old, permanently stay in the country for the last five years after receiving a residence permit, speak the state language, pass an exam on the history of Latvia, and have a legal source of income. A prerequisite is knowledge and performance of the Anthem of the Republic of Latvia.
The attitude towards the citizens of Russia in Latvia is very specific - from benevolent to deliberately dismissive, and therefore the process of integration into the local society does not always go smoothly and pleasantly.