- A little about the country
- Where to begin?
- Legal ways to move to Lithuania for permanent residence
- All works are good
- You will be declared husband and wife
- Think for yourself, decide for yourself
The Baltic republic was and remains a popular holiday destination for Russian tourists who prefer the refined charm of the European Middle Ages, carefully preserved by many generations of Lithuanians in love with their homeland. But not only short trips are of interest to foreign tourists. Many of them are trying to answer for themselves the question of how to move to Lithuania for permanent residence, and are increasingly making attempts to become full citizens of the Baltic republic.
A little about the country
It is no coincidence that Lithuania is popular and in demand among Russian citizens. The republic speaks and understands Russian, real estate prices in it are much more pleasant than in other European countries, and the proximity to their historical homeland allows immigrants from Russia not to feel too cut off from friends and relatives.
With the exception of some restrictions, a foreigner has the same rights in matters of acquiring real estate as a native resident of the country, moreover, he can rent out the purchased living space or commercial real estate and receive a good income from such an investment.
Another advantage of permanent residence in Lithuania is the ability to move freely in the EU zone without the need to obtain additional visas and permits. A permanent residence permit in the Baltic republic will be sufficient for this.
Where to begin?
To cross the Lithuanian border and in the future to have a residence permit, a foreigner will need to apply for a national migration visa. The grounds for obtaining it may be marriage with a citizen of the country, the signing of an employment contract, or other legal ways to obtain an entry permit.
The process of considering an application for a residence permit in Lithuania can take up to six months, and in case of a favorable outcome, the foreigner receives an ID card, which confirms the legality of his stay in the republic. After a year, the temporary residence permit expires, and 60 days before this date, the immigrant will have to submit documents for its renewal.
A permanent residence permit can be issued no earlier than after five years of residence in a country with a temporary one, and citizenship - another five after obtaining the status of a permanent resident.
Legal ways to move to Lithuania for permanent residence
The grounds for obtaining a residence permit in the Baltic republic are very similar to those contained in the migration legislation of other European states:
- Conclusion of an official marriage with a citizen or citizen of Lithuania.
- Family reunification. An applicant for a residence permit has the right to apply if his close relatives have a Lithuanian passport or resident status.
- Employment at a local enterprise or company. The basis for obtaining a residence permit is a signed work contract with a Lithuanian employer.
- Education in higher educational institutions. The migration authorities will require an applicant to submit an agreement on the forthcoming study, signed by the university administration.
- Guardianship. A residence permit is granted to persons who are to become guardians of minors or incapacitated citizens of Lithuania.
- Treatment in medical institutions of the republic, requiring a long stay of the patient in the country.
- Scientific or research activities of the applicant, carried out on the basis of Lithuanian institutes and laboratories.
- Doing business in Lithuania or investing in the country's economy.
The popularity of Lithuania among foreign migrants has become the reason for the tightening of some laws, and now every applicant for a residence permit is obliged to submit to the authorities a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement for real estate, the area of which is at least 14 square meters. m. for each family member. For business people, an additional condition is also the creation of at least three jobs for citizens of the republic in case of starting their own business in the country.
All works are good
Despite the lower economic and financial stability in comparison with other EU countries, Lithuania still enjoys sufficient popularity among potential labor migrants from the countries of the former USSR and among Russian citizens, as well. Economic indicators and the average standard of living of the population of the republic demonstrate confidence in the future, and therefore job vacancies in Lithuania, displayed on specialized sites, are quickly closed.
The republic has laws similar to those adopted in other European countries. According to them, citizens of Lithuania enjoy the right to a first-priority job at a vacant workplace, then - residents of other EU countries, and only in the last place - foreigners from other states. And yet, Russian immigrants manage to get a job in the service sector, in construction companies, in travel agencies, hotels and restaurants. Specialists of the middle medical level and teachers of primary education, seasonal workers on farms and other agricultural enterprises of the country are in demand.
A work permit is issued for 4 years for demanded professions, for two - for the rest, for six months - for seasonal workers. The validity period of the passport at the time of issuing a permit for the right to work must be at least 20 months.
You will be declared husband and wife
Getting married with a local is one of the fastest ways to get a residence permit, and then Lithuanian citizenship. It is enough for an applicant to live in a legal marriage until the status of a permanent resident is achieved for only five years.
Be prepared for the close scrutiny of your couple by the migration authorities. In order to make sure of the sincerity of your marriage intentions, the inspection authorities will invite the married couple for interviews and interview neighbors and friends. Applicants for the coveted status are encouraged to collect material evidence of the truth of marital intentions - photos from joint trips and tickets, the presence of a common bank account from which payments on mortgages or loans are made, and the like.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself
Lithuanian citizenship is issued by blood law or through naturalization. Consanguinity guarantees a child's citizenship if at least one of his parents lives in Lithuania legally. An adult will only be able to obtain a Lithuanian passport "by blood" if he can prove his blood relationship with the citizens of the country.
The procedure for the naturalization process may differ depending on the grounds on which the immigrant applies for a Lithuanian passport. For example, for persons who have married a citizen of Lithuania, they will have to live with a residence permit for only five years, while working in Lithuania before obtaining citizenship will take twice as long.
The legislation of the republic requires a foreign immigrant who is not a citizen of one of the countries of the European Union to renounce his previous citizenship, so that a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to obtain a local passport while retaining his native one.
In general, integration into the Lithuanian society is rather painless, the reason for this is the long-term historical ties between the Russian and Lithuanian people and the absence of a language barrier.