Mysterious Hong Kong does not let go of the average European resident, who does not understand how the territory belonging to China can be so strikingly different from the rest of the country. To solve this riddle, many are even ready to go here for permanent residence. “How to get Hong Kong citizenship,” they sometimes ask.
And here potential applicants will almost completely collapse, since local legislation is very harsh in relation to foreign nationals, regardless of where they come from, whether they lived before in a highly developed or, on the contrary, in an economically backward state. Immigration services do not look at the fact that a person has a great desire to integrate into the local society, or he is forced to live away from his historical homeland for political reasons.
How and who can obtain Hong Kong citizenship?
At the moment, Hong Kong, as a special administrative region under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, is closed in terms of obtaining citizenship by foreign nationals. According to the current local regulations, the following ways of obtaining citizenship are possible: by ethnicity; through marriage. The first method of acquiring Hong Kong citizenship is only suitable for those who have Chinese roots, and ethnicity has yet to be proven. The second way to obtain a passport for this administrative region is to legally marry a Hong Kong native.
In this region of China, the principle of obtaining civil rights in exchange for investment does not apply. Immigration services can only offer Hong Kong permanent residency. The severity of local legislation regarding persons intending to immigrate to this region of China is justified, as potential applicants for Hong Kong citizenship see too many attractive factors.
Among the stakeholders there are business representatives from different parts of the world, residents of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation and Vladivostok are very active. They are even satisfied with receiving a Hong Kong resident card, because there are broad business prospects ahead: a stable banking system; reliable financial system; preferential taxation used in this region of the PRC.
The reasons why Russian businessmen and business representatives from other countries are so eagerly seeking a resident card and permanent resident status are understandable.
Permanent residence in Hong Kong in exchange for money
Since 2003, a new scheme has been operating in this special region of China - "immigration by investment", and it is now possible to obtain permanent residence in Hong Kong using different routes. One of the options is the so-called passive investments, this is the easiest way for businessmen. Its goal is to invest in enterprises in various industries without organizing its own production process.
Foreign citizens, residents of Taiwan, Macau, and stateless persons can be participants in this scheme. All of them, in addition to direct investment of money, must fulfill a number of conditions or meet certain criteria, including:
- be of legal age - 18 years of age or older;
- own assets for a certain amount;
- show trustworthiness, have no problems with the law in Hong Kong and at the place of previous residence;
- show a source of permanent stable income, not only for the applicant, but also for his family members.
If the answer is positive, the investor receives a residence permit, its term is two years, after the expiration of the term, an application for an extension must be submitted, and after seven years - an application for permanent residence.
The second option, according to businessmen, is more attractive - active investments. The applications are considered by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, it also makes decisions, for this structure it is important to prove that investment will have a positive effect on the development of certain sectors of Hong Kong's industry, culture, tourism, etc. Defending their own economic interests, the authorities prefer joint ventures, a business structure independent of Hong Kong companies and partners is a very rare occurrence in the state.
The list of documents that must be submitted to the department is quite large, so it makes no sense to bring it here, especially since each case of business investment is considered separately. A potential applicant for a residence permit in Hong Kong may have different requirements in terms of the provision of certain documents. In addition, there are separate states on the planet whose business representatives cannot participate in this program.