- How to obtain Kyrgyz citizenship by law?
- Kyrgyz citizenship by birth
- Admission to the citizenship of Kyrgyzstan
- Simplified procedure for admission to citizenship
It is possible that not many people on the planet know where the Kyrgyz Republic (officially the Kyrgyz Republic) is located. Even fewer among them are those who would like to move here for permanent residence, on the other hand, it is always interesting to know if there is a difference in the legislation on citizenship. Therefore, we will try to tell you how to obtain citizenship of Kyrgyzstan, what mechanisms of admission to citizenship exist in this state, are there any fundamental differences from the practice of other countries of the world.
How to obtain Kyrgyz citizenship by law?
At the moment, all issues of obtaining Kyrgyz citizenship are regulated by the law of the republic, which is called “On Citizenship”. It was adopted in 2011, in 2012 it was amended and supplemented. A good knowledge of this regulatory legal document can help a foreigner in obtaining Kyrgyz citizenship in the most convenient way. According to the modern version of the law, today the following mechanisms for obtaining citizenship are in force in the Kyrgyz Republic: by birth; admission to Kyrgyz citizenship; restoration of citizenship.
There are other reasons that also make it possible to become a full member of the civil society of this country. First of all, these are international treaties that Kyrgyzstan concludes with other states, according to these documents, individuals are allowed to have dual citizenship.
Kyrgyz citizenship by birth
In terms of acquiring citizenship by birth, Kyrgyz legislation operates within the same framework as many world powers. In the case of an official marriage of parents who are citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, their child automatically receives Kyrgyz citizenship. Also, a child of whom one parent has Kyrgyz citizenship and the other is a stateless person will be accepted into Kyrgyz citizenship without any problems.
If the parents have different citizenship, then for the child to acquire Kyrgyz citizenship, the written consent of the parent who is a citizen of another state is required. If the parents of the child do not have citizenship, but permanently reside in the Kyrgyz territory, then their child automatically becomes a citizen of the country of residence.
Admission to the citizenship of Kyrgyzstan
Foreigners have the opportunity to become a citizen of Kyrgyzstan using the procedure for admission to citizenship. True, for its implementation it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions, many of them coincide with the world practice of admission to citizenship, we will cite only the most important ones:
- the period of permanent residence in Kyrgyzstan is at least five years;
- a sufficient level of proficiency in the state, in this case, the Kyrgyz language;
- respect for the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and other laws of the country;
- material security.
Each of these points has its own nuances, for example, permanent residence includes the possibility of leaving Kyrgyzstan, but for a period not exceeding three months during a calendar year. The law on Kyrgyz citizenship prescribes the conditions under which the period of residence can be reduced to three years: the applicant works in a specialty, profession that is in demand in the country; a person applying for citizenship has achieved great success in any branch of the economy, science, culture and art; the applicant for citizenship has invested large sums of funds in the development of priority areas of the Kyrgyz economy (an important nuance is “priority areas”).
In addition to these categories of potential applicants for Kyrgyz citizenship, persons officially recognized as refugees have the right to reduce the time of permanent residence. The special provisions on admission to citizenship stipulate how the immigration authorities will determine the level of proficiency in the Kyrgyz language.
Simplified procedure for admission to citizenship
Article 14 of the Law of Kyrgyzstan "On Citizenship" lists the categories of persons who can undergo the procedure for admission to Kyrgyz citizenship under a simplified scheme, while the waiting period for individuals can be reduced to one year.
The list includes persons whose at least one parent holds a Kyrgyz passport and lives in the country, persons born in the Kyrgyz SSR, former citizens of the Soviet Union, ethnic Kyrgyz when returning to their historical homeland. The same simplified rules for admission to Kyrgyz citizenship apply to children, for example, those who have a single parent with a passport of a Kyrgyz citizen, a child under the care of a Kyrgyz citizen.
As you can see, it is quite simple to become a full-fledged member of the Kyrgyz society, the mechanisms are spelled out, there are no special difficulties. At the same time, the law defines the circle of persons who will be refused admission to citizenship.