Speaking of camping in Singapore,”remember that this will most likely be a theoretical introduction to potential vacation spots. Most travelers from Russia and European countries, getting to this country, located at the end of the world, dream of seeing with their own eyes the futuristic future of the planet in reality.
Camping holidays begins to excite guests who visit Singapore often enough, would like to expand their knowledge about the state, to get acquainted with its amazing nature.
Camping in Singapore - there are problems for tourists
Difficulties may arise even when crossing the border, since customs officials require you to show your hotel booking documents. It is clear that no one will book a camping, but for a border guard the words that foreign guests dream of living in a tent mean nothing. Further, it is mandatory to obtain a visa, a stay of up to three days can take place without a stamp in the passport, from above - a visa is required. Some tourists simply forget that in a few days they will have to go for a visa.
The answer to the question why guests choose campgrounds to stay in Singapore is simple - cost savings. There are many national parks in the country, most of them are ready to provide sites and plots for free living, but camping will require registration, this trifle will save you from explaining to the police, who are fighting vagrancy in this way.
Campgrounds in Singapore are not very different from those on the other side of the border. Accommodation is possible in their own tents, or rented at the resting place. On the territory of the tourist complex there are usually toilets and showers, which in most cases can be used absolutely free of charge. It can also be noted that the leisure of vacationers is thought out very carefully, there are playgrounds, areas for children's pastime, rental of bicycles or roller skates. In the plans of the guests there is definitely an item on walking in the park, acquaintance with natural monuments. Camping on the coast is associated with water sports, swimming, kayaking, surfing.
Camping safety
Travelers who make it to Singapore, and then to a camping located in any national park, can rest assured of their lives and health. In this country, the crime rate is very low, since video cameras are actively used, harsh measures are taken against violators of the law. This allows tourists who are on vacation in campsites to leave even valuable things in tents in order to travel lightly around the neighborhood and visit the nearest cities.
One of the most famous Singaporean national parks is East Coast Park. It also accepts campers, but they need to be careful, you can set up tents only in some areas. If the guest arrives light, he will always be able to rent both a tent and a sleeping bag. There is a huge number of sports grounds on the territory of the park, therefore the tourists who live here belong to active youth.
Located in West Coast Park (another national park), the campsite is smoke-free and is the only case in Singapore. There is one more bonus - in this complex you can relax with your pets.
It can be stated that there are campgrounds in Singapore, located in beautiful parks, offering a lot of interesting things for adults and children, young and old.