Tunisia or Vietnam

Tunisia or Vietnam
Tunisia or Vietnam
photo: Tunisia
photo: Tunisia
  • Where is the climate better - Tunisia or Vietnam?
  • Kitchen - between East and West
  • Exotic attractions and historical monuments

There are many beautiful and luxurious places on planet Earth, where thousands of tourists have already left their traces. Some of them admire Europe, others are delighted with the resorts of the black continent, and still others dream of leaving for Southeast Asia. And there is a category of travelers who cannot choose in any way, Tunisia or Vietnam, because they have heard a lot about the warm Mediterranean Sea, and I want to have an oriental exoticism.

Let's try to figure out if there is something in common between the two countries occupying places on opposite ends of the globe. Since both Tunisia and Vietnam are actively developing the tourist area, it is possible to compare all the components of recreation, that is, hotels, beaches, cuisine, attractions or individual positions.

Where is the climate better - Tunisia or Vietnam?

The scales on this issue are tilted in favor of Tunisia, its climatic conditions are considered more favorable for the human body. In summer, the thermometer rises to + 35 ° C, however, the heat is well tolerated even by young tourists, which is helped by low air humidity, on the one hand, and sea breezes, on the other. You can swim in the Mediterranean Sea at the Tunisian resorts almost until the end of October, especially since the sea heats up and keeps warm for a long time.

The climate of Vietnam could also be called favorable, if not for the high humidity. On the plains, the climatic conditions are characterized as subtropical, in the mountains - moderate. The wet season lasts from May to November, so the main tourist flow rushes to this country in December – April.

Kitchen - between East and West

Having seen the menu of any restaurant in Tunisia, the guest immediately understands why the country received such a name. The most popular fish is tuna, it is present in almost all dishes, with the exception of desserts and sweets. Also Tunisian cuisine is an abundance of herbs, spices, olive oil. From drinks - aromatic coffee, to which cardamom is added, and tea, it is also special - with mint and almonds.

There is no need to be afraid of Vietnamese cuisine, there are dishes exotic for Europeans, like fried grasshoppers, but in all restaurants you can find more familiar products and dishes from them. The basis of Vietnamese cuisine is rice and noodles; seafood and spices are very popular here. Low-fat varieties of beef and chicken are also popular, it is worth trying this dish with different sauces that have a delicious taste. It is interesting that, in addition to traditional tea, excellent coffee is brewed in the country's resorts, and white and red wines produced in Dalat are good from alcoholic beverages.

Exotic attractions and historical monuments

Carthage is called the main visiting card of Tunisia, each tourist considers it his duty to visit the ancient city, which has preserved unique structures: an amphitheater; the cathedral, located on the Bierce hill; huge cisterns for Maalga water supplies; imperial baths. In the expositions of the National Museum of Carthage, you can see many unique artifacts that tell about the history of the city, its structure, life and entertainment. Of the natural attractions, the African deserts are important, and the most important of them is the Sahara. The meeting with her takes place most often in the town of Douz, which received the nickname "Desert Gate" and has a symbolic monument in the form of a key.

The main tourist attractions in Vietnam are associated with excursions to national parks, which amaze with the abundance of exotic trees, shrubs, flowers and representatives of the local fauna. Halong bays are ready to showcase the most outlandish landscapes of the planet, according to ancient legends, they were created by a giant dragon. In the middle of the bay there are thousands of limestone cliffs, islets of various sizes and bizarre shapes.

Stunningly beautiful views in Da Nang, where the so-called Marble Mountains are located, this area is also known for its pagodas and religious monuments. Many Buddhist sights can be seen in Hanoi, and the reclining Buddha in Phan Thiet. Many tourists choose simpler activities such as elephant trekking and visiting a crocodile farm.

As you can see, a comparative analysis is possible, even if the focus is on such different powers, differing in their position on the globe, climate, and recreation conditions.

Tunisia is preferred by travelers who:

  • love the Mediterranean climate;
  • do not require sterile cleanliness in the rooms;
  • dream of feeling the breath of the desert;
  • love jewelry made of silver "antique".

Vietnam is suitable for vacation for those travelers who:

  • are not afraid of distant flights;
  • love a warm, humid climate;
  • love rice and dishes made from it;
  • dream of seeing stunningly beautiful national parks, Buddhist sights and monuments of Vietnamese culture.
