Despite the country's close association with winemaking, there is evidence that beer in France is brewed, drunk, and even very fond of. The French produce a foamy drink of a very decent quality, thereby emphasizing the high world reputation of their beer cuisine.
The beer has gained particular popularity in the northern and northeastern regions of the country. For example, not a single Frenchman would allow himself to classify Alsace as a wine-preferred province.
History of Kronenbourg
The national drink of Alsace, and of all France, is the famous Kronenbourg. Jérôme Hutt first brewed his beer in the 17th century in Strasbourg, as soon as he received a brewery degree. In those days, no one was allowed to do such a responsible job without an appropriate education certificate. After 200 years, the brewery finally began to flourish and in 1850 moved to a suburb of Strasbourg called Cronenburg. The brewers were able to capture the French market thanks to one simple idea: they began to bottle the drink in small bottles.
Today the Kronenbourg company controls more than half of the country's beer market.
North and traditions
While the Alsace breweries are equipped with the latest beer technology, in the north in the province of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the frothy drink is still brewed according to the old methods. Northern brewing classics - strong, pure malt, spicy beer:
- The brewery in Douai sells Brune de Paris, an ancestor of which was brewed by the ancient Romans on the banks of the Bière River. It is prepared from light, Munich and caramel-amber malts and the drink has a deep aftertaste, in which notes of dark chocolate are guessed.
- The best beer in France, according to the locals, reigns at Stenward. It is called 3 Monts and has a dry wine flavor with a pleasant hint of hops. The strength of the drink reaches 8.5%.
- In Gussigne, on the Belgian border, the Au Baron brewery is the most famous attraction. Beer Cuvee des Jonquilles has not only a golden hue, similar to the middle of a daffodil flower, but also a floral-fruity bouquet. They also brew cherry beer and spicy chocolate Christmas.
Benifontaine used to brew beer especially for miners and its alcohol content barely reached 2%. Today, the owner of the Castelan brewery invites guests to taste beer from eight varieties of malt, each of which is first brewed in a special way.