Florence is one of the most magnificent cities in the world. This is a wonderful open-air Renaissance museum. The streets of Florence are fraught with many interesting surprises for tourists. They are full of fabulously beautiful architectural sites, parks and fountains. Access to the city center is restricted. Many old streets are pedestrianized.
House numbering in Florence is tricky. Residential buildings have their own numbering, separate from offices and shops. Apartments in buildings are not numbered, but differ only by the names indicated on mailboxes and intercoms. Residential high-rise buildings and palaces are designated with one word "palazzo". There is no trace of antiquity in the city, except for the layout of the streets, which run in a semicircle, forming a semblance of an amphitheater.
Piazza Duomo
The main Florentine attraction is Cathedral Square (Piazza Duomo). It houses an architectural ensemble in the Gothic style, which includes the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Bell Tower. The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is a masterpiece created by the efforts of six generations of architects. Today it is considered the hallmark of the city. The cathedral is huge in size and ranks 4th in the world in terms of the scale of the project.
Signoria Square
This is the most beautiful square in Florence, which is famous for its sculptures from famous masters. On this square is the Palazzo Vecchio - the oldest palace and example of a public building of the Middle Ages. Here you can also see the statue of David by Michelangelo (copy).
Central streets of Florence
Via Calzaioli and Via Tornabuoni are located in the heart of the picturesque town. These are lively and beautiful streets where the best shops, fashionable hotels and restaurants are located. Via Tornabuoni is considered a popular shopping street in Florence. It houses boutiques of famous brands of the world: Gucci, Ferragamo, Versace, etc.
Viña Nuova is an elegant street. There are also many prestigious shops and designer boutiques there.
A very long street is Via del Corso, which was formed during the reign of the Roman Empire. Both sides are occupied by shops and stalls. Corso street is one of the main avenues of Florence. It connects Piazza Venezia and Piazza Popolo. In addition to shopping, the street attracts tourists with historical sights.
You can walk around Florence for hours, visiting a variety of cafes, exhibitions and museums. Walking or cycling is the ideal way to get around the city center.