Airports in Maldives

Airports in Maldives
Airports in Maldives
photo: Airports of Maldives
photo: Airports of Maldives

A paradise vacation in the Maldives is the dream of romantics, divers and honeymooners. Aeroflot planes make it a reality for Russian tourists, making direct regular flights to the Maldives airport at least twice a week. Travel time is 9 hours.

When leaving the Maldives, tourists should be prepared to pay an airport tax of $ 10.

Maldives International Airport


The main international airport in the archipelago is located just 2 km northeast of Male. The city where the airport is located is the capital of the state and is listed in the list of the most densely populated on the planet - by 6 sq. km 150 thousand people live here.

The first international flight to Ceylon in 1962 opened the Maldives to the rest of the world by air, and two years later the airport was decorated with an asphalt runway. The peculiarity of these air gates is that the other four "/>

Infrastructure and directions

  • The international terminal accepts flights "/> Domestic flights are served in the corresponding terminal. Here you can see passengers flying to the cities of Gan, Kaadedhdhoo and Kadhdhoo.
  • Air carrier Trans Makdivian Airways offers its services to transport passengers to the remote atolls of the Maldives. The transfer is carried out by seaplanes.

The base carrier at the Maldives metropolitan airport is SriLankan Airlines with over 30 flights per week.

Airport passengers are offered duty-free shops and souvenirs, cafes and restaurants, ATMs and currency exchange offices, post office and free wireless Internet.

Transfer to the chosen place of rest is carried out by seaplane. Car rental at Maldives Airport is not available.

Details on the operation of the air harbor on its official website -

In the extreme south


The airport on the island of Gan in the very south of the Maldives archipelago also has international status. Its terminal opened for the first time in 2011, and today these air gates have good chances to become in the future no less popular than the capital ones. In the meantime, Gan Airport receives domestic flights from the capital and seasonal flights from Colombo, Hong Kong, Chongqing and Seoul.
