The Republic of Suriname, formerly also widely known under the unofficial name of Netherlands Guiana, is one of the smallest states in South America. Like many countries in this region, Suriname was colonized by Europeans, and the local population was enslaved. Therefore, the formation of statehood here began only in the second half of the 20th century (1975), and it was then that the young state received the official flag and coat of arms of Suriname, as well as representation in various international institutions.
Before colonization, several nationalities lived on the site of modern Suriname. These were nomads - Arawak, Varrau and Caribbean. They occupied the territory along the coast of the Suriname River and did not have a pronounced statehood. Only after the arrival of the European colonialists, who began to actively develop these lands, the tribes were united into one colony. Later, the local ethnic composition was significantly diluted by slaves from Africa, as well as people from India and Indonesia. Subsequently, this will play a rather significant role in the final formation of Suriname as a state.
And although initially the British were engaged in the colonization of Suriname, later these lands came under the control of the Netherlands, which owned the so-called Netherlands Guiana until November 25, 1975. Then the independence of this state was proclaimed and its official symbols were approved.
Modern country symbol
Quite interesting is the coat of arms of Suriname, which is somewhat different from the options traditional for the countries of this continent. The central place on it is occupied by a shield, divided into two halves. One depicts a sailing ship, symbolizing the past of Suriname (active settlement by aliens arriving by sea), and the other depicts a palm tree, which is generally accepted here as a symbol of righteousness and prosperity.
On both sides, the shield is supported by warrior archers - the indigenous inhabitants of Suriname. And this whole picture is complemented by a tape containing the state motto, written in Latin. The phrase "Justitia-Pietas-Fides" reflects the three fundamental qualities of the new republic: justice; righteousness; loyalty.
In the very center of the emblem is a five-pointed star enclosed in a rhombus. This is a kind of stylization, since the rhombus in this case depicts a heart - a symbol of love and goodness, and the five-pointed star - the five main ethnic groups inhabiting the country.