The coat of arms of South Korea is a tribute to the ancient traditions of the Korean people, as well as modernity. This emblem was approved in December 1963 by a special decree of the President of the Republic. The emblem reflects all the symbols that are important for Koreans, which can also be found on the flag. The main emblem of the Republic of Korea has a deep meaning, however, at the same time, it is very simple in design.
Red and blue tegeuk
As in the Korean flag, the central element of the South Korean coat of arms is a red-blue vortex (tegeuk) enclosed in a circle around which a pentagon is described. This element is deeply symbolic and associated with eternal truth. Internal elements "yin" and "yang" reflect the eternal confrontation between two opposing forces. “Yin” represents a blue figure, and “yang” represents a red figure. Together, both symbols make up an indissoluble unity, harmony. Their colors also carry a deep meaning: red has long symbolized nobility, and blue has been associated with hope.
The pentagon outlined around the tegek is a stylized image of a mallow (hibiscus) flower. Mugunkhwa is considered the national flower of Koreans. His veneration began in ancient times. Translated from Korean, Mugunkhwa means "immortal flower." Koreans have long noticed that mallow flowers bloom much longer than other flowers, therefore, in their symbolic tradition, they associated mughonghwa with immortality and prosperity.
Only once did Koreans forget their favorite flower - this was in the Joseon era. In those days, the pear flower became the national flower, but it did not manage to be preserved in the memory of the people as much as the mugunkhwa. Already in 1907, he was remembered in the text of the national anthem. The status of the national one was assigned to him in 1948. Until now, Koreans often refer to their country as "the birthplace of hibiscus." The country's coat of arms depicts five petals of this immortal and beautiful flower.
The stylized 5-petal flower has long been one of the most important symbols of the country. For example, the 5-petalled plum blossom was used by members of the imperial family as a state seal. Many believe that at one time he could even wear the status of a coat of arms. The modern coat of arms of the Republic of Korea captures an ancient tradition.
The entire design of the coat of arms is surrounded by a white ribbon. The name "Republic of Korea" is depicted in the lower part of it. It is typed in hieroglyphs of the phonemic Hangul.