Traditions of Kyrgyzstan

Traditions of Kyrgyzstan
Traditions of Kyrgyzstan
photo: Traditions of Kyrgyzstan
photo: Traditions of Kyrgyzstan

Since ancient times, Kyrgyzstan was inhabited by nomadic pastoralists who, in search of better pastures, constantly moved from one region to another. In the process of nomadism, the tribes entered into relations with other peoples, adopted their cultural, marriage, economic customs, and therefore the traditions of Kyrgyzstan are a powerful alloy of the culture of the Turks and Mongols, Dungans and Uzbeks, Uighurs and Kazakhs.

Yurt on the flag

The traditional Kyrgyz dwelling is the nomad's yurt, which provides maximum living comfort and can be rolled up and re-installed in a matter of minutes. The traditions of Kyrgyzstan involve performing many rituals during the construction and settlement of a new yurt, the essence of which boils down to expelling evil spirits and attracting good luck and prosperity to the house. The portable dwelling of the Kyrgyz nomad is so important in the culture of the country that it was even depicted on the flag of Kyrgyzstan.

An equally important item in everyday life is the Kyrgyz carpet. This work of applied art is not just an element of the interior, but also an indicator of the social status of the owner. Carpets are made here by felting sheep's wool. They are light, unusually warm and help to escape from bad weather. Bags and sacks are sewn from such a carpet, and their service life is several decades.

What are they, Kyrgyz?

Once on a trip to this mountainous country, it is important to remember that the inhabitants of the country live according to special laws that differ from the generally accepted norms of life and behavior among Europeans:

  • The guest in the Kyrgyz house, according to the residents of the country, was sent from above, and therefore they will take care of him with great love and attention. Having received an invitation to visit a Kyrgyz dwelling, do not forget to buy sweets for the table or a small souvenir for the hosts.
  • You shouldn't ask questions about earnings or share your own material problems. It is in the traditions of Kyrgyzstan to take an interest in the health of family members and to behave sedately and respectfully with all participants in the feast.
  • The national cuisine of the Kyrgyz is hearty dishes prepared using meat varieties that are not too familiar to Europeans.
  • Once in the republic, do not forget to find out where and when the ethno-games take place. Equestrian competitions or national wrestling competitions are vivid spectacles, which, according to the tradition of Kyrgyzstan, attract a huge number of spectators and are of undoubted interest for the traveler.
