Most travelers do not have a very good opinion of this country: they shoot here for any reason and sell drugs on every corner. Indeed, it is difficult to call this South American state especially prosperous and calm, but the Colombians themselves, due to their national character, are great optimists, always hoping for the best. Subject to a number of safety rules, a trip here will result in only positive impressions, because the traditions of Colombia and its culture are unique and distinctive.
What are they, Colombians?
Kindness and hospitality are the main qualities that any inhabitant of the country of emeralds is ready to show off. The owners of the cafe here personally greet visitors, in hotels they try to make the guest as comfortable as possible, and the police are always ready to help a lost or confused foreigner.
People of Russia are loved in Colombia. Unlike Americans, Russians are listed here as carriers of communist ideas, which are still close to local residents. The poor Colombians who continue to believe in universal equality and a bright future are very hardworking and honest, decent and sincere. Colombia's traditions are all about observing religious commandments and caring for others.
Steppe cowboys
The culture of the shepherds from the endless plains of Llanos is somewhat similar to the traditions of the gaucho in Argentina. Riders who have no equal in the world, the Llaneros shepherds have carried through the decades their main tradition - to earn a living by hard work. They have their own customs and habits, music and clothing, crafts and cuisine. The traditions of Colombia are, in many ways, the way of life of the Llaneros, for whom the horse, weapon and honest noble thoughts are the main thing in life.
Useful little things
- If you find yourself in any difficult situation during your tour to Colombia, do not hesitate to seek help from law enforcement officials. Despite the seeming aloofness, the police here are always ready to help tourists.
- Look out for signs prohibiting smoking in public places. Despite the active consumption of tobacco by local residents, the government has declared a bad habit to boycott at the federal level.
- The friendliness of the locals is one of the traditions of Colombia. When accepting traditional coffee from the hands of the owner of the house or the waiter, do not forget to smile and thank you from the bottom of your heart.