Travel arrangements can be tricky. There are so many interesting places, unexplored cities and countries, the imagination is full of ideas about new achievements, but we often continue to travel along traditional routes. What if you were told that you can go to any place you can dream of, right now, and for this you only need your imagination ?! This is exactly the offer that the visitors of one of the shopping malls in Moscow received from S7 Airlines.
With the help of the innovative high-tech installation Imagination Machine, everyone was invited to go on a "dream flight".
At the beginning of the experiment, each participant had to choose a place on the map where he wants to go. Someone chose Irkutsk or Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, not spoiled by tourists, someone - Rio de Janeiro and Rome. Then, putting on a special headset that reads brain impulses, it was necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the chosen goal and try to reach it in 45 seconds during the virtual flight.
The headset reads brain impulses and transmits them via Bluetooth to a computer, which converts brain activity levels into flight commands. The higher the concentration on the target, the greater the chance to bring the aircraft model to the desired point.
Interestingly, as a result, even people who had never seen the chosen place in their life managed to concentrate well enough on it to succeed. This meant receiving a certificate from S7 Airlines for a free flight to and from the dream destination on flights of S7 Airlines or its partners in the oneworld alliance.
In one day, 50 participants managed to successfully complete virtual flights, reaching the planned cities and winning real tickets - New York, Rio de Janeiro, Lima, Denpasar, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and others. All project participants received 5,000 miles to their account in the S7 Priority program.
See how it was: