The southern part of the Korean Peninsula is occupied by the Republic of Korea. The country is located in East Asia and borders the DPRK. Its possession also includes the islands located next to the Korean Peninsula. In the west, the state is washed by the waters of the Yellow Sea, and in the east - by the Sea of Japan. In the south, it has access to the Korea Strait. The islands of South Korea are over three thousand coastal land areas.
a brief description of
The largest island is Jeju in the Korea Strait. It is also considered the smallest Korean province. The administrative center of the island is the city of Jeju. The island is of volcanic origin. It has the highest point in South Korea - the Hallasan volcano, which reaches 1950 m. Jeju arose as a result of a volcanic eruption that occurred in ancient times. Therefore, it is mainly formed by lava and basalt. The nature of this island is considered unique and is under the protection of UNESCO. An excellent beach holiday is possible in Jeju. It has wonderful beaches, clear sea and beautiful tropical landscapes.
Natural features of the islands
The territory of South Korea has a mountainous relief. Therefore, there are many ski resorts in the country. Despite the features of the relief, this area is not seismically hazardous. There are no earthquakes in Korea. But floods cause great damage to the state. They happen during the rainy season, when full-flowing rivers overflow their banks.
The country's coastline is very long. The Korean peninsula is indented with bays and bays. There are at least 3000 islands in South Korea near its shores. Many land areas are small. They are deprived of a permanent population. In addition to Jeju Island, such islands as Ulleungdo and Ganghwa are considered to be large. After a volcanic eruption in the Sea of Japan, Ulleungdo Island emerged. It is 120 km away from South Korea. The coast of this land area is a series of sharp rocks and inaccessible slopes. Tourists come to Ulleungdo to go mountaineering and fishing. Gangwao Island is located in the place where the state borders on North Korea, at the mouth of the Hangang River. History fans come here to see ancient dolmens and fortresses.
The islands of South Korea are mainly found in the temperate region. On the territory of the country, 4 seasons of the year are clearly tracked. In spring, there is a maximum number of sunny days per year. The rainy season continues in July and June. Jeju Island has a subtropical climate. It is warmer there than in the rest of Korea. The area is dry in winter and very humid in summer.