The closest neighbor of Russia, Ukraine, provides wonderful opportunities for a wide variety of recreation - from ski to beach. If we add here a short flight, the absence of language barriers and the opportunity to sunbathe on the sea of Ukraine, the prospect of spending a vacation or vacation here becomes more and more attractive.
Geographic details
For those interested in what seas in Ukraine are especially suitable for organizing a beach tour, connoisseurs will recommend the Black coast. It washes the southern shores of the country, and the length of the Black Sea border of Ukraine exceeds 1050 km. The second local sea is the Azov Sea, and it has almost 300 km of coastline.
The Black Sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean and is inland. It is impressive with an area of 430 sq. Km, considerable for this kind of sea, and its maximum depth is about 2200 meters. The countries whose shores are washed by the Black Sea are called Black Sea countries.
In the old days, the sea of Ukraine was called Pont Aksinsky, or the Inhospitable Sea. This name was given to him by the Greeks, who experienced the hostility of the tribes living on these shores.
What sea washes Ukraine?
To this question, the inhabitants of Odessa - one of the most popular resorts in the country - will certainly answer: hospitable and warm. The mild climate of this region and the hospitality of its inhabitants allow Odessa to become a place of attraction for hundreds and thousands of holidaymakers every year. Festivals and holidays are held on its streets, and in Odessa sanatoriums not only water and mud are considered healing, but also the famous humor of its workers.
Lovers of hot sunbathing in Odessa are welcomed by several local beaches, each of which is a local attraction in itself:
- Arcadia is a beach whose duties include not only providing guests with the sea and the sun, but also entertaining them after the sun sets for a night's rest. Arcadia's clubs and discos are popular far beyond Odessa, and it is considered prestigious to stay here for rest. The local prices for rental housing or hotel rooms somewhat reduce the pleasant experience, but, as usual, sometimes you have to overpay for the pleasures.
- Lanzheron is a beach with a wonderful dolphinarium, and in the peak season, literally, there is nowhere for an apple to fall. The entrance to the sandy strip is free, umbrellas and sun loungers can be rented inexpensively.
- On the Otrada beach, guests are greeted by clean sand and a gentle entrance into the water, and those who do not want to leave even at nightfall are welcomed into one of the most popular nightclubs on the sea in Ukraine.