Seas of Morocco

Seas of Morocco
Seas of Morocco
photo: Seas of Morocco
photo: Seas of Morocco

A colorful kaleidoscope of modern oriental exoticism: narrow streets of ancient cities, medieval mosques and modern skyscrapers, luxurious carpets and silks, amazing spicy aromas and delicious cuisine, the seas of Morocco and its beaches - all this can be seen on a tour of the North African country.

About weather and nature

Located in the northwest of the black continent, Morocco offers travelers the unique opportunity to travel to a wide variety of climatic zones, from the subtropics to the desert. The answer to the question of which sea washes Morocco can be found on the map. The Mediterranean is located at the northern borders of the state, while in the west the Atlantic Ocean rises to the shores of Morocco.

The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea in summer reaches +27 degrees, and in the Atlantic + 23 degrees. The main resorts are located exactly on the ocean coast, where magnificent sandy beaches with golden sand stretch for tens of kilometers, enchanting with the powerful beauty of the Atlantic and the opportunity to get the perfect bronze tan. The hot summer heat here is softened by rather strong breezes, and therefore it is very worthwhile to sunbathe on the ocean shore. The fact is that the wind creates the impression of coolness, and a sunburn can happen unnoticed. The main condition for a beach holiday in Morocco is the use of high factor sunscreens.

On the crest of a wave

When asked what seas in Morocco, surfers will enthusiastically name the Atlantic, because it is here that some of the most suitable places on the planet are located for practicing their favorite sports. The coast north of the resort town of Agadir is dotted with surfer centers, with the Moroccan season with a quality wetsuit running all year round. There are any waves here - both for the green and for the advanced, and the prices for accommodation allow people of any income to come to the Moroccan coast.

Gibraltar - gateway to the Atlantic

In the north, washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the country of Morocco has access to the Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the sea with the Atlantic Ocean. This strait is the border of Morocco and Spain, and some facts about it may be of interest to those who are going on a trip:

  • The length of the strait is 65 km, and its width ranges from 14 to 44 km.
  • Famous natural attractions of the strait are the Pillars of Hercules rocks.
  • The strait is international and contains not only Spanish and Moroccan facilities, but also the British naval base of the same name.
