In a small state in the Middle East, the main religious shrines for many believers and many attractions are concentrated that any traveler will not refuse to see. Here, every inch of the earth literally breathes history and is shrouded in legends, including those that are composed about the seas of Israel.
The answer to the question of which sea washes Israel seems obvious only at first glance. In fact, it is not only in the Mediterranean Sea that you can swim, once you find yourself in the Promised Land. Israel also has access to the Red Sea, and its Dead Sea is only in fact a lake, but in fact it is also on the list of seas.
Unique body of water
The Dead Sea is one of the most unusual bodies of water on the planet. Its amazing healing properties have long been noticed by man, and we are talking not only about the waters of an endless and salty lake in the world. Even the air above it has healing properties, thanks to the evaporation of salts and the low location of the reservoir relative to the world ocean level. For travelers, some facts will seem interesting:
- The Dead Sea stretches 67 kilometers between Israel and Jordan.
- The huge concentration of bromides makes the sea water and mud excellent remedies for many skin diseases.
- The Dead Sea is located at an elevation of 427 meters.
- Dead Sea water contains about eight times more salt than Red Sea water, which is considered the saltiest on the planet.
- The water level in the Dead Sea falls by almost a meter annually, which is caused by climate change and the shallowing of the rivers flowing into it due to uncontrolled human activities.
Main reservoir
The geographical question, which seas are in Israel, has a catch, which is that Lake Tiberias is quite calmly called the Sea of Galilee here. The freshwater lake is located in the northeast of the country and differs from other similar ones on the planet by its level relative to the world ocean. Lake Kinneret, as modern Israelis call it, is located at an elevation of 213 meters. The Sea of Galilee is described in detail in the Gospel as the main place of the Savior's earthly ministry.
In addition to pilgrimage tourism, beach recreation is flourishing on the shores of Lake Kinneret. Hotels have been built here, where fans of healing springs that gush in the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee stay.