Prices in Rimini

Prices in Rimini
Prices in Rimini
photo: Prices in Rimini
photo: Prices in Rimini

Many tourists from Russia come to Rimini. They are attracted by the excellent beaches, favorable climatic conditions and entertainment of the resort. Affordable prices in Rimini ensure an exciting shopping experience. People who want mid-value brands tend to come here.

Rimini has shops, outlets, wholesalers and shoe factories. Many Russians, who own boutiques, buy things in this city and its environs. Therefore, half of the sellers in the resort's shops understand Russian. However, the main advantage of Rimini is the magnificent coastal area. Shopping here can be combined with beach vacations and boat trips. There are good discounts in Rimini shops. For example, during the sale period, branded shirts can be purchased for 12 euros each.

How much does food cost

The food in the resort's restaurants is expensive. The cheapest dish is pizza. If you want to save money, buy food from the supermarket. Prices are low there: potatoes - 3 euros per 1 kg, peaches - 2 euros, grapes - 6 euros. The store sells watermelons in sliced form: 1 euro per 1 slice. In an inexpensive restaurant, the average bill is 15 euros. For this money, you can taste pizza and have a glass of wine. The cheapest food is at the railway station: a croissant with a cup of coffee will cost 2 euros.

Prices in Rimini for services

A sun lounger can be rented on the beach for 6 euros per day. The umbrella will cost the same. The toilet and shower on the beach can be used free of charge. The hotel provides free sun loungers, bicycles, and allows you to use the pool.

Accommodation for tourists

The area of sandy beaches of Rimini is designated as the Romagnola Riviera. It includes 10 resort areas where hotels of different stars are located. There are only 2 5 * hotels in Rimini.


While vacationing in Rimini, tourists can take tours of nearby cities. Tour operators offer excursions to Venice, Rome, Florence. There is a lot of entertainment in the “Italy in Miniature” park. There is an aquarium in the neighboring town of Cattolica. From Rimini, vacationers make independent excursions that are cheaper. To begin with, you can explore the central part of the resort, where the attractions are concentrated. A trip for two to Venice costs about 40 euros (round trip). Excursions to San Marino cost 15-25 euros per person.

Transport service

In Rimini, public transport is represented by trolleybuses and buses. The transport network is excellently developed. Stops are located every 350 meters. Tickets are sold at newspaper and tobacco kiosks. One ticket for 1 hour costs 0.8 euros. The price of a ticket for a day is 2, 84 euros. Using the bus, you can get anywhere in the resort.
