Food in Mongolia is characterized by the fact that many national dishes are quite fatty, therefore, when going on vacation to Mongolia, it is advisable to take with you medications that relieve unpleasant consequences after a plentiful and satisfying feast.
Food in Mongolia
The diet of the Mongols consists of dairy products, meat (goat, beef, lamb, horse meat, camel and marmot meat), fish, vegetables, fruits, bread. Local dishes are often seasoned with saffron, nutmeg, pepper, bay leaves, onions and garlic.
Traditional Mongolian dishes are boiled lamb with a lot of fat, rice or pasta. It is worth noting that meat in the country is usually consumed undercooked in order to preserve the vitamins in this product.
Milk is a popular product among Mongolians, which they not only drink in its pure form, but also use it for other purposes. For example, they use mare's milk to make kumis and vodka, and sheep and cow's milk to make varenets and butter.
In Mongolia, try steamed dumplings (buuz); lamb roasted from the inside with hot stones (boodog); pies with meat filling - beef or horse meat (“khashur”); jerky ("fighter"); blood sausage ("tsusankhiam"); noodles with meat. If you are a fan of healthy eating, pay attention to dairy and fermented milk products - unsweetened yoghurts, ayran, kumis, cottage cheese (fresh and dried “aaruul”).
Where to eat in Mongolia? At your service:
- restaurants and cafes with national and European cuisines;
- restaurants with cheap and delicious Chinese food;
- fast food restaurants (KFC).
Drinks in Mongolia
Popular drinks of the Mongols are tea with milk, kumis, “arkhi” (vodka made from mare's milk), “airag” (home-made moonshine). From local sorts of beer it is worth trying "Sengur", "Chingis", "Borghio", and from sorts of vodka - "Zolotoy Chingis", "Genghis Khan", "Soyombo".
Food tour to Mongolia
If you go on vacation to Mongolia, fishing in ecologically clean places will be organized for you - you will not only enjoy fishing, but also taste dishes from sturgeon, salmon and whitefish, distinguished by high taste (if you do not want to fish, you can simply admire the untouched nature, pristine purity of lakes and rivers). In addition, you will be able to get acquainted with the life of the steppe nomads.
Rest in Mongolia will delight you with endless steppes, clean lakes, excellent opportunities for active pastime (caravan and auto tours, fishing, hunting, archery, trekking), magnificent monuments of Buddhism, incredible hospitality and generous cuisine.