Cuisine in Morocco is characterized by hearty, tasty and varied food, which is prepared using aromatic spices and a variety of seasonings.
It is paradoxical that not every restaurant in the country can taste traditional Moroccan cuisine - mainly, guests are offered dishes of European, Indian and Chinese cuisines.
Food in Morocco
The basis of the diet of Moroccans is made up of meat and fish dishes, vegetables, fruits, soups, pastries.
In Morocco, it is worth trying tagine (chicken stew with olives and lemon or lamb with almonds and cream), couscous (spicy semolina balls, usually served with vegetables and meat), kebab, kaliya (lamb cooked with onions, tomatoes, bell peppers), harira (soup made from lamb, vegetables, lentils and peas), zaaluk (hot or cold salad of tomatoes, cilantro and eggplant).
If you decide to buy food in stores or markets, you will be pleasantly surprised by the prices for them - they are very low. You can eat inexpensively in cafes and other establishments.
Where to eat in Morocco? At your service:
- cafes and restaurants;
- street eateries (here you can eat french fries, chicken, various salads);
- fast food restaurants (McDonald's).
Drinks in Morocco
Popular drinks of Moroccans are green tea with mint and sugar, coffee with spices, “kahu kassa” (coffee with milk), freshly squeezed orange juice.
Tourists, despite the fact that Morocco is a Muslim country, are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages, which, as a rule, can be purchased in bars, liquor stores, clubs and discos (prices for local beer and wine are quite reasonable, but imported alcohol costs expensive).
Moroccans produce good wines, so it is worth trying such wines as Medallion, Volubilis, Atlas. In addition, you should pay attention to the local beer (Casablanca, Flag) and Mahia (40-degree vodka infused with figs).
Food tour in Morocco
If you go on a wine and food tour in Morocco, you can take excursions that involve visiting food and tasting lessons. The basis of any gastronomic tour is visiting the best restaurants of local cuisine - to get acquainted with Moroccan cuisine it is better to choose the restaurants of Fes and Marrakech: here you will be served by Moorish waiters in traditional costumes - they will serve you dishes whose taste and aroma will be a pleasant discovery for you.
If you wish, you can go to a master class, from which, thanks to an experienced chef, you will learn the secrets of preparing Moroccan dishes. For a culinary master class, you can go to the LaMaisonArabe riyadh (a 5-star hotel famous for its Moroccan restaurant).
Holidays in Morocco will be a bright and unusual journey for you.