An African city with a typical Spanish name - Casablanca - is the largest city in Morocco, it is the business and financial capital of the country. As a seaport, Casablanca has become the largest city in the entire African state. And although the modern capital of the country is the city of Rabat, Casablanca is still considered the symbol of Morocco. Despite all the connections with other countries of the world, this city on the coast has perfectly preserved its national flavor. Small houses, mostly with flat roofs, and an impressive-sized mosque towering above them, into which at certain hours the entrance is opened for tourists. In principle, a Muslim visitor has the right to enter a religious building and pray there, not only during the "tourist" time.
Those who speak French well will feel comfortable in this city, as the local population speaks it to a greater or lesser extent. There are very few English-speaking residents here. But most of the visitors to Casablanca are focused, first of all, not on excursions, but on indulging in a beach holiday.
Many beaches in the city are of artificial origin, while they are not inferior to natural beaches. The best sandy beaches of Casablanca with clear transparent water are:
- Ayn Diab.
- Buznik.
- Agadir.
- Cornish.
The most important beach in Casablanca is Ain Diab. It is close to the city center. Nevertheless, high waves do occur here, which do not always make for a good swim. Therefore, there are numerous swimming pools on the coast, and beach clubs nearby. You can swim in the pools with children.
Buznika is no longer within the city limits, but between Casablanca and Rabat. The city is also called Buznika, and surfers and simply lovers of swimming on the waves flock here every winter. The beach is quite far from Casablanca - 40 km.
The beach of the city of Agadir, which is located in a closed bay, is incredibly popular among tourists. Moreover, it is protected by the surrounding hills. It is good to do water sports here - ordinary swimming, surfing, water skiing. While in Agadir, it is easy to be deceived: everything here looks European, even the clothes of passers-by, while you are in a Muslim country.
The Corniche beaches are elite. You can't find a budget holiday here. However, if you are a wealthy person, then you can choose this option, since the rest on the beaches of private hotels is organized according to the upper fork.
Those who love the sun and sultry summer should visit the beaches of Casablanca, especially if the European and Turkish beaches are already boring.