The flag of the Republic of Nicaragua was officially approved in September 1971. Along with the coat of arms and anthem, it is an integral part of the state's status.
Description and proportions of the flag of Nicaragua
The rectangular shape of the Nicaraguan flag is typical of most flags of the independent states of the world. Its length refers to its width in a ratio of 5: 3, and the flag field is divided horizontally into three stripes of equal width. The upper and lower stripes on the Nicaraguan flag are bright blue, while the middle is white. In the center of the panel, on a white field at the same distance from the edges of the flag, the emblem of the country is applied - the official coat of arms of Nicaragua.
The coat of arms on the flag of the country was first established in 1823 as the emblem of the United Provinces of Central America, which included the territory of modern Nicaragua. For a long time of its existence, the appearance of the coat of arms changed somewhat, until the final version was adopted in 1971.
The triangular field of the emblem is a symbol of universal equality, to which the people of Nicaragua aspire, the five mountain peaks are volcanoes, symbolizing the union of the five Central American states. The rainbow over the mountains is a symbol of peace and tranquility, and the red Phrygian cap reminds of the striving of all progressive humanity for freedom.
According to the country's law on the national flag of Nicaragua, it can be used for all purposes on water and on land. It is raised by both government agencies and civilians. The Nicaraguan flag is hoisted on the flagpoles of military and merchant ships and at military bases of the ground forces.
History of the flag of Nicaragua
In the 20s of the XIX century, the state of Nicaragua became part of Mexico and its flag became a cloth, almost completely identical to the current flag. It differed only in a slightly different emblem. In 1852, the country raised the tricolor, which featured three horizontal stripes of different colors - white, yellow, and red. A green mountain was depicted in the center of the flag. This flag lasted only three years, and was replaced by a yellow-white-beige tricolor.
In 1858, the flag of Nicaragua again became a white-blue cloth, which was again replaced by yellow-white-beige. Nicaragua is perhaps the only country in the world whose national flag has changed so many times over 150 years.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the current version of the state symbol was adopted, which was re-approved and finally approved in 1971.