A safe capital, a tolerant society, good food, affordable and high-quality education - all this makes Armenia attractive to foreigners. And it is not surprising that every sixth student in Armenia is a foreigner.
Benefits of getting an education in Armenia:
- High level of education (the Bologna system has been introduced in Armenia);
- The opportunity to study for free (subject to admission to a state educational institution on a competitive basis).
Higher education in Armenia
To enter an Armenian university, foreign citizens must complete secondary education.
Foreigners who have little or no command of the Armenian language, before entering the university can enter the preparatory department at the university (study period - 1 year): here, in addition to mastering the Armenian language, students will receive knowledge in accordance with the chosen specialty (biology, mathematics, history, physics) and study the history and culture of Armenia. After studying in the preparatory course, students must pass exams, and if everything goes well, they will be enrolled in a higher educational institution.
Those wishing to enroll in graduate school in higher medical or research institutions must have a higher medical education, an appropriate diploma and have worked in a medical institution for at least 2 years.
Higher education can be obtained by studying at universities, academies, conservatories, institutes. After studying for 4 years at an Armenian university, students receive a bachelor's degree, and after 5 years of study - the degree of “Certified Specialist”. With these diplomas, students have the right to enroll in a master's program and, after 2 years of study, receive a master's degree.
In Armenia, additional requirements are imposed on seniority and work experience - this applies to such specialties as pedagogy, medicine, law and engineering. For example, before starting a professional career (passing a qualification exam to obtain a license), graduates of medical universities (after 6 years of study) must devote another year to professional practice (to undergo an internship). Those who wish to gain in-depth knowledge in a highly specialized medical field can study in clinical residency (duration of training is 2-4 years).
If you wish, you can enter the French University in Armenia (high-ranking officials send their children here to study) - after graduating, students are awarded French diplomas.
Getting an education in Armenia means making the right choice.