Sydney Observatory description and photos - Australia: Sydney

Sydney Observatory description and photos - Australia: Sydney
Sydney Observatory description and photos - Australia: Sydney
Sydney Observatory
Sydney Observatory

Description of the attraction

Those who have never seen the stars of the southern sky should definitely go to the Sydney Observatory - Australia's main astronomical museum, equipped with the latest technology. Naturally, it is better to visit it in the late evening, however, there is something to do during the day - in the 3D space theater you can see an amazing star performance!

The Sydney Observatory was built over 150 years ago - in 1858, making it the oldest in the country. Today, this Italian-style building is recognized as a State Property and is listed as a cultural heritage of Australia. Thanks to its convenient location - next to the famous Harbor Bridge - you can get to the observatory from anywhere in the city.

Once the Sydney Observatory served many functions - it served for navigation, meteorology, accurate timing and, of course, for the study of the stars in the southern sky. Astronomers who worked at the observatory lived here until 1982, when the observatory became a museum.

Today the main task of the observatory is to popularize astronomy and provide everyone with access to observe the stars. Here you can see a unique exhibit - a telescope made in 1874 with a 29-centimeter lens, and next to it is an ultra-modern telescope controlled by a computer, and the latest alpha-hydrogen telescope for observing the Sun. All stars and constellations of near-earth space are projected on the dome of the 3D theater. Every day, the observatory hosts lectures introducing the history of astronomy, its achievements and the latest discoveries.

