Description of the attraction
In 2002, an amusement park of the famous Lego company was opened in the town of Günzburg in the vicinity of Munich. The territory of the park is 140 hectares. Its convenient location attracts tourists visiting Munich or Stuttgart.
More than 40 attractions, interactive games, shows and performances await children and adults in the park. Everything that Lego offers in the field of toys and goods for children is reflected in the new park in Günzburg, and at the highest technical level. The territory of the park is 140 hectares and is surrounded by a picturesque forest. The park is aimed at parents with children from 2 to 13 years old. As the experience of other similar parks in Denmark, Great Britain, and the USA shows, guests spend an average of 6-7 hours in the park. With 50 million LEGO bricks, kids can build wonderful, often quite large (up to 7 meters high!) Figures of animals, fantastic characters, models of famous buildings and buildings, and this is a pleasure for the whole day.