Description of the attraction
The small village of Rogozha is located 175 versts from the city of St. Petersburg. It is here that the famous Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos stands. The image of the Mother of God was once found by a shepherd on the bank of the river - in memory of this amazing event, it was decided to build a church on the site where the icon was found. The miraculous appearance of the icon happened a long time ago, but it is known that in 1582 the temple was already built, but there is no information about its description.
The very first church was built of wood and resembled an oblong quadrangle in shape. Five wooden domes towered on it. In the spring of 1834, a fire broke out in the church, and it was completely lost, including all property and savings. After the terrible incident, the parishioners filed a petition for the construction of a stone church, finding a donor in the person of the merchant Mikhail Davydovich Ertov. The petition was granted, and the rural parishioners set about building, independently delivering the necessary material.
In the fall of September 1, 1838, the construction of the stone church of the Most Holy Theotokos was completed, after which it was immediately consecrated. The Antimins that exists today was consecrated in 1870 by Bishop Tikhon.
An important attraction of the church is the bell, the weight of which reaches 20 poods; it is known to have been cast by Herat Mayer in Stockholm. The bell depicts the Savior holding the orb.
Land surveying books and the plan of the church have not survived to this day and burned down along with the wooden church. Church parables for 1809 were composed by a sexton, a sexton and a priest. According to the states of 1843, the post of sexton was abolished. Among the priests of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, names are known: Nikitin Vasily Timofeevich, Bartholomew, Soloviev John, Osminsky Nikolai.
In the period before 1834, the church parable was not given content from the parishioners. But in 1820, he was allocated about 3 tithes of land, which brought in an income of 100 rubles. The granted land required a lot of maintenance, as it was completely covered with shrubs and moss. Therefore, the only income for the temple at that time was a land plot of land, as well as benefits for the services. Church priests were distinguished by their particular thrift and commonality of the everyday side of life, because there was practically no money for the maintenance of the church. Perhaps there was additional income for the wedding of couples whose parents did not give their consent. In 1844, 150 rubles from the treasury were allocated for the church. But the position of the church did not improve, because the parishioners took the land, which brought in up to 100 rubles in income.
On the south side, the parish bordered on the Nativity parish, on the northeastern side - on the parish called Syasski ryadki, and on the west - on the Izad parish. The parish of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos included 11 villages. The main occupations of the parishioners were the preparation of firewood, agriculture. In addition, the prepared firewood was floated down the Syas River in the summer and redirected to St. Petersburg.
In 1850, a parish school was opened, which was housed in a gatehouse. The school was attended by 30 people. Today the church has a zemstvo school. On Sundays, up to 50 people attend the school, and on holidays the number of visitors increases to 250.