Description of the attraction
The Karelian State Museum of Local Lore is located in the center of Petrozavodsk, in buildings that were previously administrative - they were located at different times: the residence of the governor, provincial offices, bodies of republican Soviet power. This historical ensemble on Round Square (former Lenin Square) was erected at the end of the 18th century and is an architectural monument of federal significance, as it is the first example of urban urban architecture in Karelia.
The Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1871 and is one of the oldest museums in the North-West of Russia. The museum contains more than 200 thousand exhibits that give an idea of the natural world, archaeological finds, and the history of the region. The expositions reveal the traditions and culture of the peoples of the North. The museum has various departments: tourist and excursion, scientific and exposition, information, archaeological, natural heritage, department of funds, restoration and conservation, scientific library, archive, department of museum security.
The expositions of the museum are rich and varied. This is the "Hall of the Noble Assembly", which represents the interior of the house of the 19th century, and "Just in case, your own custom" - which tells about the traditions and life of the peoples of the North. "On the Threshold of the Ancient Universe" will tell you about the monuments of rock art - this is an exposition-study of primitive culture.
The exposition dedicated to the nature of Karelia is located in a building that is a rare example of an urban manor in the north. This exposition will give an idea of rocks and minerals, reveal the secrets of their formations, the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of the Karelian Territory.
The archaeological exposition will tell visitors about unique artifacts - granite slabs with rock carvings called petroglyphs, you will see ancient tools of labor, worship, amulets from the burial ground on Deer Island, the largest archaeological monument of the Stone Age in Northern Europe.
If you want to learn about the history of the Karelian region, plunge into the Middle Ages, learn how the factory industry was created by Peter the Great and Empress Catherine II, then the historical exposition of the museum will certainly help you with this.
In addition to large projects, the museum hosts exhibitions dedicated to the history of the Karelian region, the culture of the peoples (Vepsians, Karelians, Russians) inhabiting it.
Also a monument is the Governor's Park - an example of landscape architecture. It is located next to the museum, in its center there is a monument to G. R. Derzhavin. - the first Olonets governor. There is an exposition in the park that presents artillery pieces made at the Aleksandrovsky plant.
The museum collection is based on genuine cultural monuments - exhibits of museum funds. This is the Archeology Foundation, which includes more than 20 thousand items. These are materials from excavations from the largest burial ground on the Oleniy Island of the Mesolithic era, from Peri Nos on Lake Onega, from the island of Nemetsky Kuzov, Oyat kurgans. The "Natural Science" fund includes more than 12,500 exhibits.
The Tissues Foundation contains 6,500 items - ethnographic costumes from the 18th to the 20th centuries, military and civilian clothes, kokoshniks, warriors. Over 800 different embroidery designs. The Fine Sources Foundation is a collection of works by Karelian masters. These are paintings, graphic works, sculptures. In the “Porcelain. Ceramics”more than 1300 items - porcelain, ceramics, glass items. A collection of porcelain from Western European and Russian life.
The Derevo fund contains 6,000 exhibits. Spinning wheels, musical instruments of the peoples of Karelia, for example, Karelian kanteles of the 19th century. The Metal Fund contains 5,500 items. Copper casting, artistic casting, military products of the Aleksandrovsky plant and much more.
There is a fund "Written sources" - 50 thousand items, publications including the period from the 16th century to our time. The Fotodokumenty Foundation contains rare photographs of the 19th and 20th centuries, materials from folklore expeditions, photographic materials on the construction of the Murmansk railway in 1915, and the White Sea-Baltic Canal in 1931
The museum hosts theatrical programs, interactive reconstructions, during which one can feel like a participant in historical events.
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Valentina Hasala 2016-29-02
Hello! I am Valentina Hasala, I live in Finland. I was interested in the exhibition about American and Canadian Finns. I have not seen this exhibition, it was also in Joensuu, but I want to ask: You had a large photograph on your wall - On the deck of the ship, Canadian and American workers Finns are sailing to the Soviet Union
Show all text Hello! I am Valentina Hasala, I live in Finland. I was interested in the exhibition about American and Canadian Finns. I have not seen this exhibition, it was also in Joensuu, but I want to ask: You had a large photograph on your wall - On the deck of the ship, Canadian and American workers Finns are sailing to the Soviet Union. The same photo is at my home. It shows my 15-year-old mother with her parents and brothers. Was there any data: what ship, from where it sailed, where did it dock, dates, fate of someone? Was there a search for someone, or who was sailing? their parents also came from America, but on which ships they do not know, the parents were silent and did not talk about anything. There were reprisals, my grandmother and uncle were shot in 1938. Therefore, they kept secrets.
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| All reviews 1 Valeria 2018-05-09 0:01:08
Disgusting experience. Were in the summer with an eight-year-old child. Grannies in the halls of the child were muffled. Cerberus is simple. Communication is rude, arrogant. Okay, if he touched the exhibits or behaved noisily … but the child has been in dozens of museums: from the Hermitage to the Louvre, knows the framework and how to behave. just clung to everything. The son was afraid with the next …