Description of the attraction
The Church of Saint-Severen was built on the site where in the 6th century there was a hermit's hut, Saint Severin. The hermit inscribed his name in history by the fact that, under his influence, the grandson of King Clovis I, Clodoald, chose the path of serving God and became a monk. After a long hermitage, Claudald returned to Paris, was ordained a priest and became abbot of the monastery in Nogen-sur-Seine. The grandson of Clovis I is recognized as a saint in Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
As for Saint Seren, a prayer house was built on the site of his hut, later destroyed by the Vikings. In the XI century, a chapel was erected here. Two centuries later, the University of Paris appears in the Latin Quarter, the population is growing rapidly, the small chapel can no longer accommodate the parishioners. The construction of a new church begins, which will become one of the centers of the quarter and in which a meeting of the General Assembly of the University can be held.
The church is being built in the flaming Gothic style. Above its gates, a huge semi-rosette is clearly visible, where instead of ordinary petals there are tongues of flame. Inside there are late Gothic “palm arches” with many ribs. On the western portal there is a bas-relief brought here from the ruined church of Saint-Pierre-au-Boeuf. Another portal is decorated with the image of the patron of the church, the patron saint of travelers, St. Martin of Tours on horseback. The bell tower of Saint-Severen houses the oldest bell in Paris, cast in 1412.
The building of the church is notable for non-standard proportions: since there are five naves at once, it is wider in width than in length. But this is noticeable only from the street. In the nave of the church there is an old organ, decorated with wonderful wood carvings by Master Fishon. The windows have unusually bright stained-glass windows, both medieval and 20th century.
A special feature of the Gothic building is the gargoyles on its facade - they are, however, slightly younger than their sisters on Notre Dame de Paris. Adjacent to the church is a lush garden that used to be a cemetery. Until now, among the greenery, you can see ancient granite slabs and tombstones.
Saint-Severen is surrounded by the narrow streets of the Latin Quarter - in the Middle Ages this place was famous for a robber's nest. Now the church is located on a pedestrian street full of souvenir shops and small cafes.