Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo description and photos - Italy: Ravenna

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Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo description and photos - Italy: Ravenna
Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo description and photos - Italy: Ravenna

Video: Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo description and photos - Italy: Ravenna

Video: Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo description and photos - Italy: Ravenna
Video: Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo - Italiano 2024, October
Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo
Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo

Description of the attraction

The Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo is one of the oldest churches in Ravenna, built in the first half of the 6th century by the Ostrogoth king Theodoric as a palace chapel. Initially, this Arian church was dedicated to Christ the Redeemer, and in 561 the Byzantine emperor Justinian I gave it the name Sanctus Martinus in Coelo Aureo. After the suppression of the Arian cult, it was rededicated in honor of Saint Martin of Tours, an ardent opponent of Arianism.

According to legend, Pope Gregory the Great ordered that all the mosaics in the basilica be covered up, as their lush radiance distracted believers from prayers. In 856, the basilica was renamed again, this time in honor of Saint Apollinarius, whose relics were transferred here from the Basilica of Sant Apollinare in Classe.

The apse and atrium of the church were modified and rebuilt several times, starting in the 6th century, when some of the original mosaics were destroyed, as they were considered too Arian. Fortunately, the mosaics of the side walls, 24 columns with simplified Corinthian capitals and the pulpit have been preserved. On some columns, you can still see fragments of figures that once depicted the Goths and the court of Theodoric and were removed during the Byzantine Empire. The last restoration work on the mosaics took place in the mid-19th century, and the apse was completely rebuilt after the First World War.

In the upper part of the left side wall of the basilica there are 13 small mosaics depicting Christ's miracles and parables, and on the right wall there are 13 mosaics depicting the Passion and the Resurrection. At the same time, there are no scenes of scourging and crucifixion. The mosaics are separated by a decorative panel depicting a shell-shaped niche and two doves. Historians believe that at least two masters worked on these works of art.

The entrance to the basilica is preceded by a 16th century marble portico. And next to it, to the right of the portico, there is a round bell tower of the 9-10th centuries. In 1996, UNESCO included Sant Apollinare Nuovo in the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites.

