Description of the attraction
Theater Square is considered the center of Saratov. Located at the intersection of the central streets of the city and having an area of more than 64 thousand square meters, it is the border of three urban districts. On the territory of the square there are: the Radishchev Museum (1885), the Opera and Ballet Theater (1865), the Regional Scientific Library (formerly the People's Auditorium in 1898), the PAGS building (formerly the Exchange 1890).
After the fire of 1811, which destroyed most of Saratov, in the general plan for the construction of the city (1812) adopted by the Emperor Alexander, Khlebnaya Square was the first to be approved. In the 19th century, merchants and traders became the first inhabitants of the square, and its name was "Upper Bazaar". Under the rule of Governor Panchulidzev, the first wooden theater building appeared on the square, which existed until 1860, collecting incredible sold out houses and later giving the name of the square - Teatralnaya.
In 1865, a new stone building of the City Theater, now the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, was opened on Teatralnaya Square. In 1885, pushing back the shops, a museum was built on the territory of the square. Radishchev, which to this day attracts tourists from all over the world with its exhibits. In 1890, at the beginning of Teatralnaya Square, architect F. I. Shuster built a beautiful exchange building, now the Volga State Academy of Public Administration named after V. I. Stolypin. In 1931, according to the project of N. M. Proskurin, at the corner with st. Aleksandrovskaya (now Gorky Street), the building of the public library was built, and to this day it fulfills its main purpose. In 1918, a monument to the Fighters of the Revolution was opened in the park between the Radishchev Museum and the Opera and Ballet Theater, and ten years later an eternal flame was lit on the mass grave of the fighters.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, after the installation of a monument to Lenin, the name changed to Revolution Square, at the end of the century it was renamed again to Teatralnaya Square. Now Teatralnaya Square is the main square of Saratov, where festivities, fairs and competitions are held. In winter, a New Year tree is set up in the middle of the square, surrounded by ice figures and traditional horseback riding is arranged, and in summer a part of the square is occupied by dizzying attractions, Russian stars perform on the stage with festive concerts.