Theater for the young spectator description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov

Theater for the young spectator description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Theater for the young spectator description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Theater of the Young Spectator
Theater of the Young Spectator

Description of the attraction

The world's first professional theater for children. It opened in 1918 (premiered on October 4). In 1930 the theater received the "unified" name of the Theater for Young Spectators. like all similar theaters in the country and worked at the first stage in various premises until 1937, when he occupied one of the best buildings in the city in the historic district of Saratov.

The building of the theater for young spectators was built at the beginning of the twentieth century on Volskaya street in the immediate vicinity of the street. German (now Prospect Kirov) private owner for leasing to a club of construction contractors. After the revolution in the 1920s and 1930s, it housed the club of the Saratov department of the NKVD. In 1937, the theater entered the building under the direction of director L. Dashkovsky and worked until 1941. In 1943, the theater's activity resumed already under the leadership of the 29-year-old director Yuri Petrovich Kiselev (1914-1996), and a year later the main troupe, consisting of graduates of the studio organized by the young leader, entered the theater stage. The creative platform and repertoire of the Youth Theater have received a pedagogical focus.

Over the long years of work of the chief director Yu. P. Kisilev, the Saratov Youth Theater has become one of the best children's theaters in the country. His performances have been awarded state prizes of the USSR, diplomas and certificates of the Ministry of Culture many times, as well as repeated foreign tours, which were constantly sold out. Over the long years of work and outstanding creativity, the Saratov Youth Theater in 1997 was named after Yu. P. Kiselev, as well as the name of the city street on which the new theater building was built. In 1998 the theater was awarded the title of "Academic".

The Saratov Youth Theater is officially considered the first and, accordingly, the oldest theater of this profile in the world. The building of the Youth Theater is an architectural monument, an attraction and pride of the inhabitants of Saratov.

