Natural park Baltata description and photos - Bulgaria: Albena

Natural park Baltata description and photos - Bulgaria: Albena
Natural park Baltata description and photos - Bulgaria: Albena
Baltata Natural Park
Baltata Natural Park

Description of the attraction

Baltata is a floodplain forest, which is the northernmost among European liana-type forests. It is called a natural pearl.

Baltata is a rich base for scientific biological research. The reserve is located near the village of Kranevo on the banks of the Batova River. The town of Balchik is about 11 kilometers from here. This area of about 183 hectares was declared a nature reserve in 1962, and reclassified in 1999, Baltata was registered as a maintained reserve with an area of about 203 hectares. The natural park-reserve Baltata is under the control of the administration of the Albena resort, which it surrounds. The leadership of Albena, guided by the environmental standards established by the European Union, strictly monitors the preservation of the environment.

The natural park now has about 250 species of plants, thirty of them are strictly protected, fifteen are included in the Bulgarian Red Book. The reserve is distinguished by a variety of tree species: field maple, silver poplar, black alder, Austrian oak, as well as elm, birch, ash, linden and many other trees grow here. There are such unique species of climbing plants as sarsaparilla, forest grapes and Greek ovine. Among herbaceous plants, marshmallow, cinquefoil, wild hyacinth and others prevail.

A variety of fauna is maintained on the territory of Baltata Park; mammals (about 36 species), amphibians (15 species) and birds live here. There are more than 180 species of birds, including the gray crane, mallard, red heron and others. More than 90 bird species nest in the park.

The entrance to the park is available to everyone, despite the fact that it is guarded around the clock, but you should definitely take into account the specifics of the territory and behave according to certain rules. On the walking trails in the Baltata Park, stands with information about the plants and animals of the reserve are installed.


| All reviews 1 Pavel 2016-29-06 0:02:26 AM

Don't waste your time This is not a park with paths and benches, but a swampy river floodplain. Impossible to pass - bushes, mud, swamp, river. In some places it is fenced with a net. If you want to see the forest, visit the Zlatni Piastsi park.

